May 18, 2009 18:22
Our hard drive caught some Trojan horse virus and won't recognize the keyboard. Doug has been too busy to deal with it. Miranda's GS play is next wednesday and it sucks. I'll be honest. I'm used to working with bright and pretensious theatre kids. Only three of these girls know their SIX lines. One girl has no idea how to 'pretend' or pantomime actions. Oh, and there was the nasty-gram from my former boss at H&S responding to something I wrote about franchise work on the Massage Therapy list board. All of it was true, none of it slanderous, but she really had me unsettled and angry for the rest of the day. :Sigh:: My better half is rewriting my response to her. I have learned the Spa industry is just as drama-mama as the theatre or music industry. Of course, most LMTs in this area are also musicians waiting for their 'big break'.
On happier notes, the Galactic fair of New Agey Goodness was this weekend. I had a booth and at the last minute decided to offer hot stone massage to separate me from the ten (!!) massage therapy booths there. I was soooo busy. It was great. I connected with many friends from last year. I traded services for awesome stuff. I did have a sort of alarming reading from an astrologist/tarot reader regarding the month of September. Hmmm. I think I need another opinion or view. I spent as much as I made, but I broke even and that's all I was shooting for at this event. My other LMT friends of RElax didn't even come close to breaking even. No one came to their booth, and I'm not certain why... They were towards the back, so maybe the traffic pattern was against them. Anyway, it was a good experience but today I took it easy. Or tried to.
Tristan went back to the doc today. He got bit by a kid at preschool on Friday and started running an off/on fever this weekend. Whenever he has a fever, he gets this rash too. I should be used to it but it always freaks me out. It's not anything from the bite. Just some random kid virus. Hopefully he'll be good to go tomorrow. Work has been slow and I finally have a client tomorrow. I hope she actually shows up, unlike the client who reschedule twice last week and never came.
Haven't heard a peep from the 'rents. Have no idea where they went, though I am assuming it's their condo in Gatlinburg. My dad usually calls on sunday at 6 on the dot. So its weird to go two Sundays without hearing from him.
galactic fair