Busy in September

Aug 28, 2008 06:46

Ok, peeps, there's a lot of stuff going on next month, either planned or just possibly of interest to this group, so I'm going to attempt to list it all.

Sept 1: the Sturbridge Antique Textile and Vintage Clothing Extravaganza
Thanks to girl1919 for pointing this one out.*

Sept 2-7: the last Brimfield Antique Show of the year

Sept 13: the Innovations of Yesteryear Outdoor Festival at the Charles River Museum of Industry, part of the Historic Waltham Days (Sept 12-15?)
Thanks to feathersmith for bringing attention to this, and also to keltek for pointing out the connection with the whole.

Sept 13: Alternatively, for someone willing to take a road trip, there's Salon Con.
Thanks to bathtubophelia for posting about this.

Sept 20: the Gears, Goggles, and Gilding Picnic at the Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site and American Precision Museum
Thanks to shadarko for organizing this.

Sept 26-27: a Two-night Extravaganza at the Lily Pad, see comments for details
Thanks to chillguru for information on this one.*

Did I miss anything? Please feel free to bring anything else to my attention in the comments.


show, cons, calendar, field trip, museum, clothing

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