Hello! It's been a full year since
masqueradelie started out!! Thank you for being with us on our journey thus far ♥ we might have been slow in translating / posting / replying to requests and comments, but on behalf of us all I thank you for showing us your support.
masqueradelie will continue as it always has. However, next year all of us have an important string of exams that will decide our future, so we may become less and less active as the months pass. Rest assured that we will be back in full-swing around the end of November though! We thank you for your kind understanding on this matter.
It's about 2am here so I'm just going to write a short post (in fact, this is about it!). We at
masqueradelie wish you a wonderful 2011 ahead and also best of luck for everything!!
Yours sincerely,
The translators at