March 5, 2008.

Feb 19, 2008 17:43

Three months ago I started the journey. A journey that reached a milestone today. I have been waiting to officially talk about this until I had a concrete date. My surgeon's office called this afternoon with the news. I will have Gastric Bypass Surgery on March 5, 2008, at 8:00 AM.

This process has happened fairly quickly for me (some people wait months, even years). I've gone through a battery of tests...An EKG, a Stress Test, an Echocardiagram, an Upper GI, a sleep study...visits and appointments with psychiatrists and dietitians....and group support meetings.  I'm ready.

From the time I can remember, I have hated they way I look and feel. Physically, I always feel tired. My knees have begun to ach. I sweat alot. My blood pressure is through the roof (when I don't take my meds). I am a borderline Diabetic. I don't sleep well. This procedure will allow me to live longer and enjoy life.

The physical stuff is enough, but the other stuff for me is big too. For years I have felt uncomfortable in my clothes (and even more uncomfortable out of them). I never look into mirrors unless I absolutely have to. Whenever I walk into a room full of people, I quickly scan the room to see if I'm the fattest person there. I consistently catch people looking at me in disgust. I'm so tired of never being able to buy clothes off the rack. I'm not taken seriously sometimes..."fat people are lazy and not motivated."

This is a hard concept for some folks to understand...but, the bigger I have become, the more invisible I've  felt. In stores, resturants, bars and other public places, people look past me and acknowledge other people. Fat people are big...but are constantly ignored.

Many of you know Steve had this procedure almost three years ago; he's been so successful. His support of me throughout this process has been amazing. I am so blessed to have him as my partner. I have a coworker who has also had the procedure...I will be surrounded by supportive people. And that is a very good thing.

I start this journey at 318 pounds.

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