All topics are marked with a handy dandy "-" sign! Yaaay!

Sep 23, 2008 17:05

- Finally watched Becoming Jane last night! Got all happy inside at the tidbits of her novels-to-be I saw in her 'life', plus I knew a lot of the actors, and plus...YAY PATRICK! SO ADORABLE! XD Yeah. Some of you get it. Some of you don't.

- My compy is still out, because even though the loverly GG sent me monies, mom says amazon only sells the power cord I need to $100. And MTM's compy is out because she's doing massive triple quadruple bipass surgery on it or something. It's guts are all over her desk. AND internet is down at our house because we couldn't pay the bill. X_X You should all be surprised Mascii is posting at all. She's at shop snagging her mom's compy when she should be doing math.

- Went through ALL my stuff. There's only five or six shoebox-sized boxes worth, really, not including a big box of all my clothes(and a piano of course. XD) but it's all cleaned up and organized now, so yay. I didn't realize how many pencils and pens I had. O.o Mascii has had a habit for years now, when she sees a forgotten pencil or pen, she picks it up and keeps it. Because pencils get eaten around here by nargles, you see. So when someone needs a pencil, Mascii has one. Always. XD I had a huge drawerful, yarly. Gave some away cuz they had no eraser left, and kept some sharpeners and stuffed them in my ugly bag purse thingy. So w00t w00t. I arez prepared for anything.

- Which, btw...we're going to the homeschooler's group now. It's just Friday mornings, and we only have two classes, but meh. I have woodshop and Career Class, the former I'm making a CD rack in. Yumichan and MTM are making picnic tables. X_X I chose something small, only one load of little wood, so I spend half the class lugging around THEIR 10 ft pieces. Brilliant. But it's fun when I get to cut things. Mwhahaha. First week we were there we were short on pencils, so I pulled four or five out of my bag(see? Told ya), and as usual, people send me shocked looks and go, "wow, cool." then we were short on rulers as we were practicing measuring out certain lengths, so I pulled my handy dandy ruler out of my bag. That got a few stares, and one proclamation of, "You have EVERYTHING in that bag, don't you?" I laughed and said that I was a wannabe writer, of course I should have THOSE in my bag.


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