So, for Christmas, my wife got me a crab habitat (crabitat, as they are called). This past weekend, she bought me two hermit crabs (yes, that’s right… my wife got me crabs for Christmas). Personally, I think they ugly little guys are pretty damn cool. I have them set up on my desk at work, complete with a little heater to keep things warm for them (they’re a tropical animal, and prefer hot, humid locals). I decided I needed to name the two of them, and after discarding the joke names of Galactus and King Kong, I battered a few ideas back and forth with my wife, and settled on Science and Religion. Thus, the title of this post.
I decided who was who kind of randomly (Science was so named because he had straight stripes on his shell, while Religion had bright colors in a fancy pattern). It turns out, however, that the names were pretty accurate.
Science is way more active, exploring his environment and testing limits. He’s pretty active during the daylight hours, and when I went to take a picture of him, it came out nice and sharp.
Religion, on the other hand, is kind of shy. He spends his day hidden in his shell, difficult to coax out. He does come out, though, when it gets dark, and he roams around the crabitat, though he doesn’t push boundaries in the same way that Science does. When I tried to take pictures of him (and I took a LOT) they all came out blurry and with little definition.
Pretty amusing.
So, here are the pictures I did take.
Both, sleeping together:
So far, they’re pretty cool and a lot of fun. Here’s to hoping I can take care of them and make ‘em last!