Week 22
1. Elevator
They can be useful, of course. Easy to slip out the top of one and onto a different floor if necessary. They're quick, fast transportation that is easier than the stairs (for anything more than two or three floors). The shafts can be useful for a variety of things.
And at the moment I'm developing nearly as much of an issue with them as the Brat has, just given the last few weeks. I mostly dealt with my problems with confined spaces before he was even born, and yet... Trying to convince him he's not the only one with issues with them has my own nerves on edge.
Words: 112
Week 23
1. What scares you?
2. Past, present, and future.
3. "Loneliness is just about the scariest thing out there" - Joss Whedon
[Locked, completely and utterly]
Those all just tie together in one hell of a knot, don't they? I'm tempted to write about the old Disney image, just for the hell of it (and to avoid thinking about the rest of them). But when you manage to tie three of them together quite this well... No, amusing won't quite cut it. Not when all of those hit so close to home. The aim on these is really sometimes impressive.
What scares me?
When? Years ago, during the wars? Oh, a host of things, up to and including getting myself killed in either of those hellholes. Or worse, getting captured -- though that one came true. I survived. Or right now? If the second: losing my family again. Without a doubt -- and I didn't think anything would scare me more than this be-damned immortality does. Yet the idea of being as alone as I was before I met Wintergreen, and in the years with him when my wife and sons were out of my reach except the word I could get from the people I hired to keep eyes on them... or after they died; is worse. He's always been there... but he would probably be the first one to tell you how badly I cope with loss. Seems to be the drawback of being a possessive son of a buck. I don't cope. Ask about a month in Africa in the late 80s sometime - on second thought, don't. I don't think he's forgiven me yet. And Addie doesn't need to know.
And loneliness? Well. Apparently at least Logan had reason for thinking that that damned foul doppelganger of mine was me... just not reasons that happened to be true. But I can see where he thought that I might just snap, if I'd found out Joe wasn't at peace, been used to hurt his team him, and I am going to kill my copy another time for that, lost Wintergreen and had Rose get hurt again...
Alright, all right, I admit it. I do not cope with being alone well.
Words: 360
Week 25
2. Who from your past would you like to see again?
Which order do you want the list in? Just as they come to mind, in no particular order, with descriptions of why when I feel like it...
Lili. I want her to see what Rose is growing into.
Grant. So that I could try one more time to get through to him.
Frannie. What I'd give to hear her scold me over some fault with my gear...
Squirrel. I never thought I'd miss that damned stutter. He was just a kid. Brilliant, gifted kid.
Maurice. My accounts could really use her touch.
Noelle Actually, no.
Sampson, just to be able to put a bullet in him.
Words: 115
Week 27
2. How do you feel about that?
About what, you ridiculous thing?
There are rather a lot of "That"s around to pick from, in all of any of the universes. It's a little difficult to tell what on earth this is supposed to mean.
But then, of course, I've thought more than once -- and I'm sure I've mentioned the supposition at least twice -- that that was the entire point of some of the sometimes asinine questions here; to make you interpret them however hits your triggers the hardest. And if that is the point... how I feel about that is that it's exceptionally irritating.
Words: 100