o15 -> vs. Jaguars!

Apr 07, 2011 07:23

-Xatu, use Shadow Ball!

[The scene is sort of a scary one. Will, back up to his energetic self, with Xatu and Slowbro both beside him... and a massive jaguar pacing back and forth not twenty feet away, luminous yellow eyes on the tasty looking green bird.

The bird which, of course, opens its beak and lets out a ball of black energy, sending it careening toward the animal. Once hit, it staggered back a few feet, before getting angry.

Will's eyes narrowed- he took a deep breath and tightened his fist.]

Slowbro, it's going to attack. Slow it down with Ice Beam- Xatu, Psychic, hold it back-

[Before he could finish his sentence, the jaguar attacked, leaping high into the air, claws outstretched, fangs bared- only to be hit mid-air by the ice beam from Slowbro, forcing it back onto the ground. Tiny little shards of ice glimmered in the creature's fur and dipped its whiskers with the weight. Before it could retreat, Xatu's psychic hit, and the creature was surrounded in a faint purple glow, just before it began screeching in pain.

Will watched it, waiting carefully, calculating, and signaling Xatu to stop right as the beast slumped over- still breathing, but hurt.

Slowly, the pokemon elite picked his way through the foliage of the jungle floor, before crouching down before the jaguar and reaching out to pat it on the head. The still slightly conscious giant carnivorous cat.]

It was a good battle! I don't have any pokeballs with me, but you can follow me around anyway, if you like! I'm really curious to find out what type you are- don't worry, feline, with the right training, I can-

[It snarls and snaps up, directly over where Will's entire arm would be, had Xatu not psychically yanked him away at the last possible second. Will flew backward, onto his back on the floor, before struggling to get up with a little choked gasp, eyes wide.]

Wh- that's- that's not- how... it's supposed to work.

[Xatu's eyes continue to glow, and Will slips backward even further, as the jaguar slowly gets to its feet and decides that they aren't worth it, limping painfully back into the brush.]

that is not food, crazy will is sort of psychotic, uhhhhhh, i am super scary no really, xatu is secretly mom, xatu iluuuuuuuuu, slowbro iluuuuuu, problem solving skills!, gah i really hate consiquences, taking care of business, slowbro is secretly bro, just fucked up a little, that's not supposed to be a good thing, don't tell sir lance, well oops, do you really have permission for that?, that is not a pokemon, awkward what is awkward, *event

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