o12 -> vs. Romance! [Video]

Feb 14, 2011 22:17

[Private to Lance || Difficult to hack]
[He grins at the camera, putting his fists up. HE IS PREPARED.]

Sir Lance, I noticed that you've stayed inside on this glorious day of days! Have you not a fair maiden that you keep around? I realize, after so long, you may have forgotten what it feels like to have a lady beside you, but this is no day ( Read more... )

ilu lance, gah i really hate consiquences, taking care of business, waaah relationship what, best present ever, uhhhhhh, well oops, will fucks up every holiday ever, awkward what is awkward, facepalm

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[Same Filter] ROFL that was the most adorable thing I've ever read in my life omg caped_elite February 15 2011, 06:40:45 UTC
[Lance, honestly, filters half of that speech out, because Will mentioned the words 'Sir Lance' and 'lady' in the same sentence, which meant that whatever he's talking about is only going to give him a headache.

But then Will starts stammering and Lance looks briefly confused at the message, because what in the hell is he even going on about -- ?]

... sure?

[Because. Uh. Okay. Whatever.]


[Same Filter] YOU KNOW IT HAD TO HAPPEN masked_elite February 15 2011, 06:45:48 UTC
[Will gives a shy little squeak, halfway between elated and absolutely terrified. Oh god, he said sure. He said sure. Sir Lance. Said. Sure.

Will was prepared to brush it off as a prank, laugh about it, and make terrible cookies later, but Lance said 'sure'.

...Well, alright, he did sound a little confused, but he obviously wasn't! He was agreeing to it! There was no room for being confused on Valentine's Day]

D-do you really mean it?

[Bright red again, elated and grinning a little hysterically behind the hand he has pressed over his mouth.]


[Same Filter] THIS IS GOING TO BLOW UP IN LANCE'S FACE SO. FUCKING. BADLY. caped_elite February 15 2011, 06:50:08 UTC
Well, if it makes you happy, of course.

[It's been a seriously terrible month. He can put up with some stupid tradition for a day in order to satiate whatever Will is talking about. How bad could it possibly be?]


[Same Filter->Offline] oh god Lance, if you break his heart, he will just. D8 masked_elite February 15 2011, 06:53:29 UTC
I- okay!

[Smiling again then, hugging the PCD to his chest before deciding that he wants the real thing, and careeeeeening down toward Lance's study office room.]


[Offline] alskhgs;ldhgs AWKWARD CONVERSATION GO? caped_elite February 15 2011, 06:55:55 UTC
[Lance was reading a book, but upon seeing the PCD click off and hearing Will thunder down the hallway...

Well, Lance has a knack for predicting what people are going to do in battle, why should real life be any different?

So he is fully prepared for his hug.

Except not, because Lance is still reading.

But he knows it is coming.]


[Offline] /cries masked_elite February 15 2011, 06:59:41 UTC
[Of course, the fact that Will hugs everyone all the goddamn time wouldn't hurt that prediction any. And he hugs him- a little different from his glomping tacklehugs though, Will just sort of... leans down behind the chair and drapes his arms over Lance's shoulders, smiling warmly.]

...I tried to make chocolate for you, but it burned.

[Quietly, as if it's a secret.]


[Offline] I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING THOUGH. caped_elite February 15 2011, 07:07:57 UTC
[Lance blinks at the lack of injury normally associated with the hug and he tilts his head back slightly to eye Will.

He's used to being hung all over, but this feels different.]

-- did the kitchen burn down?


[Offline] XDDD I have a feeling that I'm going to be wibbling in 10 or so comments masked_elite February 15 2011, 07:11:29 UTC
[He smiles at the strange look from Lance, purposely ignoring the fact that he seemed... not as excited as Will would have imagined. But he was always that way with romance, so he brushed it away.]

Of course not! Slowbro wouldn't have let that happen.


[Offline] ME TOO baaaaaaaaw. caped_elite February 15 2011, 07:13:28 UTC
Ah, that's right.

[... yeah, Lance is still a little lost, but he gently shrugs Will's arms off so he can stand.]

Well, it's the thought that counts, mm?


[Offline] masked_elite February 15 2011, 07:15:31 UTC
It is!

[Suddenly super nervous again, biting his lower lip slightly and reaching out to brush their fingers together.]

I... I could still try to make you a Valentine's dinner?


[Offline] caped_elite February 15 2011, 14:33:56 UTC
If you like. I'm not particularly --

[He blinks and looks over at their fingers brushing together, because that is definitely not normal. He looks confused for a moment or two before continuing.]

-- hungry.


[Offline] masked_elite February 15 2011, 15:17:30 UTC
Then I won't!

[Grinning again though, happy enough just to have Lance here.]

What would you like to do to celebrate, in that case?


[Offline] caped_elite February 15 2011, 16:03:19 UTC
Whatever you would like, it doesn't matter to me.

[Look, Will, Lance is the easiest Valentine ever. Except not.]


[Offline] masked_elite February 17 2011, 07:18:14 UTC
Come on, it's supposed to be romantic!

[He giggles and tries to drag Lance off to the kitchen.]

Here, I'll make dinner and we can eat by candlelight, alright? Maybe Xatu could even sing us a song!


[Offline] caped_elite February 17 2011, 07:20:32 UTC
Roman -- ?

[He lets himself be dragged for a step or two as he lets that sink in and suddenly --

Oh, dammit.]

Will, I don't think any of that is... necessary.


[Offline] masked_elite February 17 2011, 07:26:17 UTC
Of course it is!

[He smiles brightly.]

You're my valentine! I want to make it special for you.


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