oo8 --> vs. Celebrations!

Dec 20, 2010 23:33

[The PCD clicks on, to reveal...

A giant cake.

A cake that is freaking huge. At least three layers tall.]

Sir Laaaaance, [comes the whispering voice from off-camera. Will says it softly, quietly, like he's trying to sneak up on him or something.] Sir Laaaaance.

You can't hide forever, sir Lance.

[Will finally creeps onto the camera, wearing something unlike his usual outfit, but somehow strangely similar in it's... strangeness. But still wearing his mask. Of course. Always.

His mint vest also matches the cake icing. Go figure.]

Happy birthday to you, [He's still whispering it-]
Happy birthday to youuuu,
Happy birthday dear Lanciiiiie,
Happy birthday to youuuuuu.

[And he takes a beautiful bow, before shutting off the feed.]

ilu lance, e4 homies, dem hips, it's partytime guys, crazy will is sort of psychotic, do you really have permission for that?, never trust will's cooking, *event, still better than a clown suit

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