Clean Slate?

Jul 13, 2008 00:25

There are so many things that I want to say here, that have been bottled up for a hell of a long time, and just need to be said.

First off: I'm completely and utterly fed up with stupid drama, and who said what to who, blah blah blah. Everyone just needs to get over themselves and move on.

Secondly, we've all done stupid shit in our lives. Whatever. I'm trying to become a happier, stronger person, and I don't need the past to creep up upon me, I've moved on. From ALL of it. Yeah, that too. You know what I'm talking about.

Thirdly, I miss my friends. You don't realize how slow time goes until you have NO ONE to spend it with. No one to tell about your new crush at work (hot sweetheart who makes me laugh, btw, if anyone cares), go out and have crazy dinners, go shopping, etc.

One thing I will not do -- have a one sided friendship. That ship has SAILED, and no fucking way! I'm sick of that bullshit, I'm worth better than that!

But if any of you are willing, I'd love to start again, clean slate.

Hope to talk to you soon.
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