Music Post

Sep 09, 2014 20:26

Both my headphones and earbuds have broken on me in the last month :( I am making do with a super-cheap over-the-ear pair from Koss that I can use for running, but the sound quality is abso-fucking-lutely terrible. I can deal with it for running because I figure no matter what I use, I'm still gonna hear my own heavy breathing and keys jingling. But I'm going to have to find an alternative for indoor use. I loved the UrbanEars because, ok, they didn't have the best sound quality, but were pretty good for the price if they were on sale. And their Medis model are the ONLY kind of in-ear buds I've tried that fit my ears. They were also super-stylish, which is a bonus. But considering how they broke on me (at non-stressed points), I'm thinking there might be some flaws inherent to the structure :S

On to some music recs!

For running, I've found some really great tracks from the .hack//Game OSTs. .hack had an open-world dungeon/field system, so the background music would fade from calm to more tense battle-type music when you get close to enemies. I like this for running because the calm parts remind me to keep my pace, but the battle parts get me pumped. One of my favourites is the Prairie Rain Field track. The other field tracks are good too. In fact, most of the soundtrack (if you take out the virus-inspired end-of disc/boss tracks) is what I call "perfect background music", which is easy to listen to and can fade into the background, but melodic enough not to be boring.

I stumbled on "Fading Flower" by Yuna and I've found it very fitting for recent days. Kind of fun and "sunny", but a little bit somber too, due to the lyrics.

I've also been digging the Katamari Damacy OST lately. It's very eclectic, and some tracks are too out there for me, but it makes for a fun listen. After the iconic main theme, my favourite is probably "The Moon and the Prince".

And this isn't music, but still auditory!porn: William Fichtner on the Empire Online podcast. Bill has a very physical acting style, and somehow that translates to his voice? Like, I could very easily picture him speaking/laughing/etc while I was listening to it. Kind of odd. But good to listen to if you like his voice. Although there is an awkward as hell mention of fannish-ness that made me cringe :S

Happy listening!

actor: william fichtner, video games, music

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