Title: These Waters
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: ~tentacles~
Notes: A series of illustrations for
zubeneschamali's fic
"On a Generous Sea", done as part of
tentaclebigbang. Huge thanks go to zuben for writing such a beautiful, inspirational fic, and for
salty_catfish for the beta! The title is taken from Ben Howard's "These Waters".
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But seriously, the picture where they're kissing is so beautiful and interesting on so many different levels. The cool colors, the super aesthetically pleasing storybook (almost stained glassesque) look, the sneak peek we get of Jared in his glorious form under the water, but also the tease of knowing that someone could be seeing them kissing like this from the shore or on a boat and have no idea about the bottom half of Jared/the intimate information that only we and Jensen are privy to. I love how desperate and satisfying the kiss is--Jensen's ecstasy is so clear on his face. I love the way you balanced the color of the water while still making it see through. All the pieces are stunning and they complement the story flawlessly while still having their own great take on the narrative. But that kissing piece in particular, I am completely in love with.
And this comment! *HEARTS ALL OVER IT* Thank you SO much for the lovely comments <33333
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