TV time

May 02, 2011 18:25

So I did manage to catch up with some TV watching this weekend. Spoilers abound!

Community, spoilers for S1 I absolutely LOVE Abed and Troy! Two absolute favourite characters on the show! I have problems with just about every other male character on the show, though. They're all so skeevy. I mean, what's with the Jeff/Anita? Isn't she supposed to be 18? CREEPY.

I'm a bit lazy to start watching S2 though, since I honestly don't care about Jeff/Britta and actually don't care much about Jeff at all. Obviously he's needed for the plot to progress, but, meh.

Doctor Who I JUST. WHAT? I AM STILL SO CONFUSED OVER THE FIRST TWO EPISODES. I kept my reactions to myself on 601 because I assumed things were going to be tied up in 602. But they weren't, and I guess I'm going to have to wait till the mid-season two-parter or the finale before I find out what's really up with the Silents (Silence? Not sure of the spelling). I also found it pretty hard to follow because of the jumps and erased memories bits.

But! Mark Sheppard? Awesome. Amy? Awesome. River? Awesome as always ♥

It was great to see Rory and the Doctor again, and I'm so glad that they're not going to go the whole "companion pining over the Doctor" route again. I am just not a fan of Amy/Eleven (or any Doctor/anyone, at least not in a serious way). Except maybe for Eleven/River, but I think that's partly because River's story is so sad.

And did the Doctor's "solution" for the Silents seem overly harsh to anyone else? I know the Doctor's done some pretty harsh things before, but we (and the Doctor) haven't actually seen the Silents do anything, have we? I mean, other planets and races have mentioned running away from them, but this is the first time we've actually seen them. And they didn't do a whole lot on Earth, on the grand scale of things.

Also, what's up with the girl? Here's hoping that this stuff will be cleared up sooner and not later.

fandom: community, fandom: doctor who

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