Stargate Vancouver 2011 con report pt 3

Apr 21, 2011 15:49

More of Kavan Smith's panel. Same disclaimer, this is not in his exact words, I've just used quotes because it's faster for me to write.. Things in brackets are my own notes.

Someone asked about working with firearms, and Kavan said that outside of the show, he doesn't have a lot of experience, but that it did remind him of a story that happened when he was younger. When Kavan was younger, he had a house party while his parents were out, but it quickly got out of hand. Lots of people came over, started trashing the house and everything, so Kavan gets his dad's shotgun out (his dad's a hunter) and goes around trying to scare some people away. It works at first, but no one really leaves, so then Kavan goes and loads it. But then he realizes that he doesn't know how to unload the gun, so he decides to shoot it. He goes outside and shoots out a streetlight, and all at once, all the neighbors's lights go out. And he says that his parents still don't know about it.

Kavan also talked about his parent's house. His dad built it, and it has an indoor pool. Kavan also mentions that he used to stay over at his parents house occasionally because it was in a nicer part of town than his place, and one night he went over when his parents were out and he was really drunk. So Kavan decides it would be a great idea to fill up the pool. But, since he's so drunk, he passes out, and the pool overflows. Kavan wakes up about an hour later and, since his bedroom is on the first floor, where the pool is, he's surrounded by water. And the water has flooded the basement. So Kavan freaks out and tries to get his brother to help him clean up. Apparently, at this time, Kavan and his brother didn't get along very well, so Kavan was all "Help me clean up, I'll pay you, just help me". So his brother helps him, and they use all of their dad's new towels that he'd bought for the new pool. Kavan also calls his mom, who tells him to rent one of those carpet cleaners. So he does, and they finish right as their dad comes in. Their dad sees Kavan cleaning up and thanks him for it, and Kavan's brother said that he doesn't understand how Kavan got away with that one.

And another pool story: Kavan's dad was planning to take Kavan and his borther to Mexico for a vacation, but Kavan couldn't leave with them because he had rehearsals for a play. So Kavan's brother and dad left first, and Kavan would meet up with them a few days later. So while he had the house to himself, Kavan decided to throw a pool party, and he thinks that turning up the heat would be a good idea, to make it more of a hot tub party. So the next day Kavan leaves for Mexico, and a few as it turns out, his dad has to fly home early because of work. So his dad calls one night, and asks Kavan, "So, is there anything you'd like to tell me?" And Kavan's so confused, but then his dad says "You left the heat on. All the wood in the house has warped." And Kavan goes, "really?" "It's going to cost me (some large amount of money here that I've forgotten, but it was a lot) ETA: thanks to mackenziesmomma for pointing out that it was $75,000", And Kavan goes, "oh."

His dad, before he left, had given Kavan and his brother a credit card and the keys to the rental Jeep. The night before Kavan and his brother are supposed to fly out, they decide to go out, and they drink a lot, and meet some girls. Late at night Kavan goes to drive some girls home (he mentions here that he's a really bad role model, don't drink and drive, etc) and tells his brother to wait, and then Kavan will drive back and pick him up. So Kavan takes the girls to their place, and comes back to the beach, and his brother is gone. He drives around and around looking for his brother and at one corner, doesn't quite make the turn, and hits a (I think it was parked) parked car. And Kavan freaks out and drives off. He didn't realize that he'd hit a taxi, and a little ways away, a bunch more taxis come and box in his car (I think at this point he said it was like 4 or 5 in the morning), and the drivers come out and are pretty angry with him. Kavan was pretty intimidated, but eventually they got things settled, Kavan had to pay to get the car fixed (he said he got ripped off), and then he was on his way. Kavan decides to go back to the hotel, figuring that his brother had probably just walked back, but then the Jeep stalls and the engine dies. Then Kavan gets out and stops the first car he sees with the hope that they'll be able to fix the Jeep. It turns out, the first car to come along is a military or militia transport truck, and all these soldiers come out. Kavan's even more freaked out by this point, but it turns out that when he'd hit the taxi, the battery had been knocked loose or something, so the soldiers reattached some leads and the Jeep worked again. Then Kavan heads back to the hotel, and his brother is passed out in the bathtub. Then they head to the airport nine hours early and just hide in a corner because they were worried that they would be arrested or detained or something.

A few more things:
-Kavan said that he really loves theater, being on stage, and even doing conventions, but that he's doing mainly TV work right now because he has a family to feed
-his brother is married, has kids, and is a photographer

actor: kavan smith, convention: stargate vancouver, convention, fandom: stargate atlantis

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