The Daily Art Project: Week 2

Sep 20, 2010 22:41

This week is late because I've been busy. MY SCANNER IS UTTER CRAP. So I re-did some of them in PS. Under the cut is Geddoe (Suikoden III), Syndey (Vagrant Story), Naked Snake (MGS3), and John (SGA).

Geddoe is one of those characters I will never forget how to draw. He's my absolute favourite character in Suiko3 and I used to draw him a lot. Even though it's been years I found myself drawing him IC very easily, with no references!

Yeah I don't really know what brought this on o.O

He doesn't have a shirt because I'm lazy HE'S WASHING IT, OK?

I think John looks so adorable in casual clothes X3

There are only four this week because the fifth one I did ended up being lineart for my ABB, and you're gonna have to wait to see that ;)

So instead I have icons that I made for sga_cherplets. It's fic in twitter-like form! Art's allowed too!

And now I'm going to finally get that 8 hours sleep that I so desperately need.

Prompt me? DW | LJ.          More TDAP: DW | LJ

character: john sheppard, character: geddoe, challenge: the daily art project, art: digital painting, fandom: metal gear, fandom: stargate atlantis, character: naked snake, fandom: suikoden, art: icons, fandom: vagrant story, art: sketch, art, character: sydney losstarot

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