Fanart: When There's Nothing Left to Burn... (mcshep_match repost)

Sep 13, 2010 00:54

Title: When There's Nothing Left to Burn (you have to set yourself on fire)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG for slight violence
Notes: Done for mcshep_match 2010. My prompt was "crash and burn". The title is a line from the song "Your Ex-Lover Is Dead" by Stars, although there's not really a connection between the two. I'm just horrible at coming up with titles, and I thought the lyric suited the art well enough. Thanks to all my Team Work mates, and especially lavvyan,
chkc, and berlinghoff79 for their invaluable advice.
Warning: Large images under the cut.


Click for full-size.

The making of and WIP pics under the cut.
When I got my prompt I instantly knew that I wanted to do some kind of a crash and John and Rodney doing the Athosian head-touching gesture. Initially I used a predictable warm colour scheme.

But somehow, it morphed into the blue/purple thing below.

I really liked this version of it, since it's all clean and more my usual style of graphics. But my wonderful Team Work mates pointed out that the cool colours don't fit the prompt all that well. No matter what I did though, I couldn't change the hue without royally fucking up the contrast. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I copied the results of one psd and pasted it as the base for a new psd (I have 7 for this piece. SEVEN.) so I think the levels were all messed up.

But I did manage to add a bit more warmth to the piece, and I think it ended up giving it a nice worn look. Overall I really love this piece, and my composition ended up working out for once \o/

Bonus wallpaper under the cut!

8:5 aspect ratio (1920x1200) | 4:3 (1600x1200)

I'm being lazy again and only made two aspect ratios. They should be fine scaled down for smaller displays.

pairing: john/rodney, art: wallpaper, art: blend, art, challenge: mcshep_match, art: manip, fandom: stargate atlantis

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