Dec 13, 2009 10:05

[Holy Mother of Pupcats. We are on Mars.

Now you have to realize, the Space Race only started in 1957. The first man to go into space was just this year (1961) back in April. GOING TO MARS IS A BIG DEAL GUYS.

It isn't like Germany hasn't had ideas about space travel himself, but it was kind of hard to fight in the space race when countries literally come and take your best scientists (see: operation paperclip, etc.) Anyway the Space Race was going strong at home

and holy pupcats we are on Mars. And not dead. (Hey! I think I can see my house from here!)

Anyway Germany has more or less being chilling not exactly exploring since the ship crashed/landed because look this hasn't happened yet, okay? Just because in 2009 you all have wonderful technology doesn't mean it's always been like that.

But now it seems like we're really stuck here (and not dying, yay) so many some exploring would be...in our favor. Yeah. Famous last words, right?]

[comment] denmark, !event

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