After eight years of riotous gaiety, my co-host and I have decided to leave the radio show. It's time to move on, for both of us. And, we should leave while we both still think it's fun, rather than when it becomes a fucking chore and we resent it. He is going to focus his energies elsewhere, as his job is getting more demanding. And, you may have heard, we are trying to move to Portland. Alas, this is a sad end of a chapter. The reasons are good, but it does not take away from what an institution this show has been in my life. The show has been such a great time, and such a learning experience for me. I have interviewed authors, musicians, movers and shakers, all big fat queers. It has been my honor to be a minor local queer celebrity. People stopping me on the street, in restaurants or the library because they recognize my voice. It is always disconcerting, but also, very flattering. This show has won awards with us at the helm. But it was on for more than 20 years before us, and it will be on for millenia after we leave.
Our last show will be Wednesday, December 27th from 6-7 PM. or 88.3 for the local folks. We're also a podcast, just search for "closets" at iTunes. Do me a favor and listen if you can. Not sure what we are going to talk about, but it would be nice to have some support. Give us a ring or send an email whilst you listen. We'll give the info on the show.
In related news, what do other folks do on Wednesday evenings? Mine have suddenly become free. It will be weird to not have anything to do.