Mar 23, 2004 12:50 first entry. Its kinda hard to say what I need to. No actually it really isnt. Ive decided that i need a big ol change in my life and me going to the bars and hanging out in awful Jackson circles isnt going to cut it. I've decided to give my life over to God to straighten things out. These past couple of days its been frightening but relaxing, knowing that I can breathe and not be afraid of the craziness and complexities of life. It feels good knowing that you are doing something right.
Which also reminds me. For those who know me, you remember that I was quite the freak when we would be hanging out. I'm working very hard to curb that desire and to get those crazy days away from me, along with what my old reverend called "Garbage Boys", the kind of guys who dont do a daggone thing with their lives and spend it chasing fast women. I'm going to buy myself a ring (im not sure if it will be a diamond or if it will be a sapphire...maybe both) which signifies a bond between me and God. If any man so desires to be with me he will have to go between God and I to do so. I want to be absolutley sure that the right guy will fight hard to get my ring off and replace it with an engagement/wedding band. Dont worry, I'll still go out every once in a while, but it will be under God's pretenses and my own personal convictions. Just know that I'm changing because I want to. Not because anyone else has told me to.
So there's my entry. You are more than welcome to comment. I hope to hear from yall soon :)