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Apr 08, 2009 18:05

Well it's getting down to the last minute panic-mode for me. I have a lot on the horizon, and a lot on my mind.

I leave tomorrow afternoon for a few days in Ohio with Coral. Sadly, I'm missing my Dad and stepmom who'll be in Boston visiting my sister. After Coral leaves, I'll be headed to Cairo then the rest of Egypt for 10 days. I can't believe it's already time to go. I feel like I still have so much to do before Ieave.

I had a cat sitter recommended through my vet who fell through last minute which really threw a wrench in the works. City Kitty was adamant I not board him here or take him back to Ohio and board him as cats are prone to upper respiratory infections and long distance travel can be very taxing on their immune systems. Luckily, Anita volunteered to check in on him while I'm away. I did squeeze in all of my vaccinations though they were rather arduous.

I'm very anxious and deeply apprehensive about this trip. I've never felt simultaneously dreading and deeply anticipating something. Egypt is a place I've always wanted to go and to have the opportunity for all expenses paid Nile expedition is something I know I'd kick myself if I passed up. I never used to have deep anxiety over long flights have been abroad a few times, but I've gotten to the point where even the 45 minute flights to Philadelphia can make me sweat. The flight there is 11 hours and the Doctor at the travel clinic prescribed me Ambien, so there's a bonus.

It has been a very bittersweet journey so far and I haven't even left yet. Aside the transatlantic flight, obviously the political climate in that area of the world is of great concern to me. Being an avid newswatcher I've done myself no favors with a highspeed internet connection, several cable news stations and family and friends expressing concerns. It's weighed heavily on me, I feel like it's the only chance I'll ever have to go there, and yet I really just want to curl into bed and shut off my cell phone for two weeks. I want to be genuinely excited about this, and I am. I keep trying to tell myself that nothing in life is certain, there are no guarantees and to not let fear cloud what could possibly be the greatest trip I've ever taken. It's difficult for sure to try and remain level headed, I simply try and focus on the things I'll see and the history I'll be surrounded by.

I've stockpiled lots of film, I can't wait to take pictures. The itinerary is very intense, 2 nights in Cairo, then we head to Upper Egypt and go down the Nile by boat (the MS Triton). The trip is through Lindblad, National Geographic and the National Historic Trust. There are 38 other people in the group, many seem like couple my Mother's age. Luckily for me, while Egypt is a predominately Muslim country there is beer and wine and apparently many vegetarian food options. To get myself psyched I watched the Anthony Bourdain No Reservations Episode where he was in Cairo, he's always entertaining and got a few ideas of foods to try (Foul/Fool, Koshary, the requisite Mezzas, Hommus etc).

The rest of this Spring will se me very busy still. A few weeks after I return, Coral and I will be headed to Miami for a week. It will be very nice after a long arduous winter to be able to relax and get some quality time in neither Philly or here in PVD with Coral (it's our first big trip together).

Then at the end of the month I'll be headed up to Montreal for Mutek from the 27th-31st with Nate and Jimi. The lineup is really impressive, and I really don't regret deciding on this over DEMF. DEMF holds a special place, and I can bet I'll definitely go again but there really wasn't much for me this year.

spring, egypt, travel

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