Sis came home from a parent/teacher conference that. Erm. Let's say could have gone better?There was ranting about F's and "what do you MEAN you just didn't want to turn in assignments?" and basically realizing that La Niece has been lying a bunch of the time when asked if she had done her homework. And rationally, we all get that La Niece doesn't cope well w/ not being the smartest and the best and when she can't cope, she shuts completely down and does nothing. BUT. ALL OF US. ALL OF US. listen when I'm talking to you ALL FUCKING OF US have been asking her if she needs/wants help or to talk about things. And, like most of the people blood related to me, she was all NOPE I GOT THIS. When she totes didn't. So, she lied because she didn't want to disappoint. And, like I said, RATIONALLY, that is understood. IRRATIONALLY, HER MOTHER IS ABOUT TO HIT NUCLEAR.
Ok, so. First part was written about an hour ago? and shit has gotten less real in the mean time. I *think* La Niece has survived and I won't be dragged out in the rain and sleet to help bury her under the rose bushes, nor will I have to post bail for her mother. Or grandmother. Or grandfather. Or one of her great aunts that happened to be on the phone when shit got real.
I think.
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