Apr 23, 2007 10:32
so... apparently my life lately has been too easy, lol. this week will be very eventful for me either way (I have some doctor appointments, some meetings, some shopping trips and on Saturday I'm going abroad for a few days [very, very excited about THAT :D]... my mind goes haywire as soon as I think about all of that), but today takes the cake - today is the gathering of all the judges in my court... it's not the first one in my career, but the first after me changing rooms - till March I was on 3rd floor and was rather far away from this whole hoopla but now I'm on the 1st floor - right in the middle of it (the conference room is right across the hall) *headdesk*. it means that the judges will be soon milling around outside my door and it will probably continue for some time... not only that - the President of this country (aka The First Duck :P) will grace the gathering with his presence - as a result some special forces are checking the corridors, guards are posted near elevators and stairs and bodygurads are patrolling the floor with dogs O_o. geez, I'm half expecting for them to come in here and do a body search on us, poor court clerks... eh, working today won't be easy... and since every freakin' judge is today at the court we have more work than ever...
oh, it's going to be a fun day... *eyeroll*
ETA: it's getting better and better, lol - now we're in the "VIP-zone", as my co-worker says - we've been secluded from the other part of the corridor (the door for the President are directly across from our door - about 2m) and in case we want to go anywhere we have to go through the barricade...