okay,there are two things about latest episode of Lost that bother me A LOT. and since my silent seething prevented me from taking a little nap, I'm going to share some of my thoughts with you...
1. the whole 'knowing Jack' conversation between Kate and Juliet annoyed the beejesus out of me. since WHEN knowing someone's height, birthday, proffession and blood type equals knowing that person, hm? gosh, if that's so, that all foxhussies are experts on what Foxy actually feels and thinks... yeah, I didn't think so *rollseyes*. that was such a lame argument - I don't have a frakking idea why Kate hasn't recited many examples of Jack's actions and their conversations that helped her getting to know him - Jack, a person, not Jack - a collection of data. I didn't like the way it was handled, even if this was supposed to prove to Kate that Juliet doesn't know Jack at all, so she wouldn't know whether his heart was broken or not.
2. Sawyer as a leader? seriously? no, SERIOUSLY? you have to be kidding me! imo he's one of the worst qualified people for the job from all of the castaways. from the top of my head - Desmond would be so much better as a leader. damn, Sun would do nicely. even Rose! Hurley himself. NOT Sawyer, definitely. he doesn't have the character to be a leader and he proved it time and time again - if given a choice he always chooses himself, he doesn't care for the group's welfare (taking all the guns, anyone remembering that little detail?), and he doesn't contribute at all - and he has no skills whatsoever (as the incident with a fish proved). and anyway - who ever listens to him, goes to him for advice or anything like that? people generally avoid him like a plague, if they don't need anything from his stash - and now he doesn't even have this asset. the only people that socialize with him out of choice are Hurley and Kate. every time I try to imagine a scene where Sawyer takes charge and Losties actually listen to him, I want to laugh. if there would be ANY consistency in how people treat him, no one would want him as a leader. if the Losties actually go with it... well, it's another proof that this season we deal with zombified characters *headdesk*.
(just for the record - yes, I DON'T like Sawyer. he didn't bother me before but since he 'heroically' puffed out his chest for Pickett's bullet he's a pain in the ass. jmo, of course. I'm biased :P.)
whew, the burden is off my chest :)
now, as to not sound so negative ;) :
I loved Jack (what a surprise, huh?) - he's guarded around Kate, as he well should be. and I loved that he gave non-Jacketish response to taking Juliet with them (at least imo it didn't have any romantic background) - he wouldn't leave anyone behind, that's not in his character. I still don't think he wants to get involved with Jules. yes, he gravitates towards her, but it's more of a defensive reaction against Kate than proactive romantic pursuit of Juliet. so, at least for another week, I'm not worried about that. and was it just me, or did his eyelashes look amazing in the corridor scene? be still my heart :P
Kate wasn't so bad herself - I didn't care about her flashback much (though I liked the irony - it seems that Kate was indirectly responsible for putting Sawyer in jail! LMAO) but I liked and appreciated her determination in finding Jack. throughout the episode he was basically the only person on her mind. :) and I loved the parallel between her captivity and Jack's - both of them tried to break free by attacking Juliet when she was bringing them food. they think alike. me likes :)
I'm curious as to why Juliet was so adamant against going back for Jack. I just can't come up with good enough reason, especially if she's attracted to him, and I think she is. was it just a knee jerk reaction to Kate wanting to go back for him first or something like that? the argument that Jack didn't want Kate to come back for him doesn't hold any value anymore, the situation is different... I just don't get it. oh, well...
Locke - good riddance. maybe we'll get a few Lockeless episodes. I wouldn't cry. I adore Terry O'Quinn but Locke only annoys me now.
okay, I'm done :).
due to the holidays I'm going home tomorrow to see my family. I'll be back on Tuesday. to those that celebrate it - Happy Easter! to those that don't - have a nice weekend. :)
see you soon :)