(no subject)

Oct 25, 2012 12:39


Tried to access Facebutt this morning through my kindle--no dice. "dude, you are sooooo not connected to the Internet" it tells me. So I come downstairs and there's an AT&T truck not only next door to the right (the cool neighbors moved), but one several houses down to the left. Look at the modem, and the DSL is flashing red. Derp.

So I put on some shoes and go out the door to catch the tech and tell him he effed our Internet, he and truck #2 are pulling away from the curb (and ignoring my "hey you effed my Internet" wave.

So I call AT&T and tell them the Internet is not working and that there were techs next door and down the street and I think they turned off my internet by mistake. And that I power cycled my modem, as well. The phone person of course ignores everything I've just told her and "troubleshoots" the modem, including power cycling the modem and making me check and make sure the the modem is plugged in...which requires moving a bookshelf and contorting myself to get to it.

So 15 minutes later, she says that a tech has to come out...tomorrow. Sigh. I am 100% sure your stupid tech axed MY Internet with or instead of next door's...why can you not admit the tech screwed up and send him back to do his job properly???

Yet another reason to hate AT&T...this internet hasn't worked properly since it was installed, despite THREE different service calls (one replaced some interior lines, and two messes with several relay boxes in the neighborhood). I've just gotten fed up with nothing getting done about it. It doesn't work well when it rains, and the Internet drops frequently if you aren't plugged directly into the modem...which defeats the purpose of WIRELESS Internet in the first place.

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