Things I Stole From A Friend

Apr 10, 2012 12:02

As always, I have a meme I have stolen from minviendha because she does them all the time and I tend to bandwagon like a boss =)

1. Comment on this post with I VOLUNTEER!
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ/DW.

minviendha gave me C, so here I go!

Oh God, Castiel. I love Castiel in seasons 4 and 5, he was a great character with an awesome arc and don't even get me started on Season 5 Sassy shipping opportunities. I mean 5x13, and then when he doesn't shoot down Sam's idea to jump into the Cage, I love him. And I will admit that I am hopelessly behind, but I've heard mostly positive things about his actions in 7x17, so I'm hoping I can love him again? Because despite all the issues I have with what happened to him after season 5, and my issues with forgiving him for breaking Sam's wall, I loved him just as much as the rest of Team Free Will for his first 2 seasons as a character, and I kind of miss that Castiel. I watch Season 4 or 5 with Cas in them and always end up going "I MISS YOU SO MUCH SO SOCIALLY AWKWARD ANGEL YOU." He had so much potential in season 6 and I really wish they had taken him a different direction. Its fun to play around with all the parallels between him and Sam, though. And I do ship Sassy like a BOSS. Basically I am conflicted about Castiel.

Crowley is a very fun character. I love him being the serpent in Eden, and had to bite my cheek not to laugh when we covered the Sistine Chapel Ceiling in Art History last week and the professor went on and on about the serpent. The whole duality between him and Aziraphale is kind of awesome, and they are one of my favorite relationships in all fiction, and I just really love the idea of an angel and a demon being friends. And DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HIS CAR. EVERYTHING TURNS TO QUEEN. ITS BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. That car is practically its own character, really, and its AWESOME. Basically I love Crowley. I also love any crossover where someone tries to summon Azazel and gets Crawly instead, and he's all pissed off that they bungled the ritual. They're kind of hilarious.

Calvin and Hobbes is a perfect comic, I love it so much. Calvin is kind of an amazing character, and he is a large part of why my imagination is so colorful now, because his was. Calvin is one of my favorite characters EVER, and his parents remind me of mine sometimes, and CALVIN IS PERFECT THAT IS ALL.

Ok so I like Clint before, because Hawkeye is fucking AWESOME. I mean come on, a non-mutant with perfect aim is awesome, and he's a bit of a snarky asshole which I always appreciate, and also he is a human on the Avengers. He's a freaking badass. Also I may or may not have this thing for archers? And marksmanship? Yeah. And then the Avengers movie started becoming a real thing, and Clint Barton is played by JEREMY RENNER. AND I LOVE JEREMY RENNER WITH ALL MY HEART. So now I'm, like, madly in love with Hawkeye, and keep raving about him in relation to the movie and nobody knows who he is and its sad. I JUST LOVE HAWKEYE A LOT OK. ITS HARD AND NOBODY UNDERSTANDS.

Can I count fic!Chad Michael Murray as a character? Because I LOVE HIM. Seriously, anyone who reads RPS, you need to go read Neon Showman by bertee RIGHT NOW. ITS HILARIOUS. He just has an awesome POV, and is the weirdest kind of best friend, but in the midst of all the hilarity and obnoxious inappropriateness he has moments of being a genuinely good person. But really he's got the sense of humor of a grade-schooler, and I do to a lot of the time, and he just hits ALL MY HUMOR BUTTONS. Its great.

I am also going to steal the other meme, but it gets its own post. WOOHOO!!!

fear the angel of the lord, i has the crazy, sassy is my otp, brain = broken, meme time

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