(no subject)

Feb 10, 2008 11:26

Life isn't exactly fun these days.

Worked the whole week last week, which caused me to be very tired.
The funeral was yesterday. Tears, rolling eyes and yelling. Three things that always occur when my family and I gather. My nan used to be the glue that held us all together, but now all hell breaks loose. My aunts and my mum don't get along. At all. I couldn't care less about that. But my mum does. And it hurts her. So it hurts me. And I don't like hurt.

Hurt like Fernando Torres is hurting. Stupid injury of his.
And Chelsea this afternoon. To be honest, I would be happy with a draw. Estatic with a win, ofcourse. But it's still Chelsea. And Liverpool are struggling.

Talking about injuries. Tom De Sutter. My dear dear dear dear Tom De Sutter got also injured. Sigh. He plays with Cercle Bruges. And I happen to live near Bruges. Hence why I like them. My dad actually started liking them years ago. He actually has a scarf of them. Made me giggle when I found out. So he went on and on about Cercle. And they kept on winning and winning. And winning. And all because of this guy.

And also this guy

I know, right. But now. Siiiiiigh. Tom played an international friendly with Belgium. Siiiiigh. And he got injured. Kneeligaments that tore or something like that. And his season is over. OOOOOOOVER! Breaks my heart. Because he could have been topscorer. And that's a whole achievement for a club that was fighting degradation last season.
So now Cercle Bruges are 3rd in the table. Club Bruges are first (bastards!) and Standard are second. But only one point away from Cercle. So wooohooo.

College starts again tomorrow. I'm actually happy. That doesn't happen a lot, you know. But I've been at home for a whole while, and it's been enough. Never ever did I think I would ever say that, wowwers.

life, cercle brugge, tom de sutter, liverpool

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