Story Or Series Title:
In My DreamsFandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Culprit Author's Name:
Silestina Full Name (plus titles if any): Allison, commonly called "Ally" by Aang and by the author and "Assassin" because of all of the murders she is accused of. Is also "The Snake Spirit".
Full Species(es): Appears to be a tragic subdivision of Humanis perfectius, or a combination of that and Puella angstia.
Hair Color (include adjectives): "long curly light brown hair that stopped right at her thigh", "She use to have flaming red hair but now she changed it to brown," "My hair was no longer in my half up half down hair; it was now flaming red instead of brown." Her hair seems to shift between the two colors often.
Eye Color (include adjectives): "hazel eyes which hides many secrets"
Unusual Markings/Colorations: She has "a snake tattoo on my arm. It was wrapped around a finger and the body of the snake reached up to my shoulder. An air ring was around the snake's tail. The water ring was around its head. The Earth Ring was around its middle. But there was no fire ring", "flaming red" hair, which is not a naturally occurring hair color in the Avatar world, a mark on her cheek where Azula hit her with lightning and the words "I kill and I will always be a killer" carved into her left arm by Azula's lightning.
Special Possessions (if any): Water from the spirit oasis that she got from her mother and uses to heal Aang after he gets struck by Azula's lightning; apparently she has "lots" of spirit oasis water because she uses it to heal Hakoda during the Invasion. An anklet that has "rare rubies, rare sapphires, rare emeralds, and rare diamond all over it. I had a matching bracelet with the anklet that I got from her mother. The diamonds represent the 4 elements." In the Fire Nation she buys fingerless gloves and an "element sword": "It's just the handle of a sword and I bend the elements as a blade." A pet blue dragon named Lightning. And Aang's heart in her little vise-like grip.
Annoying Origin: Was a princess of the Northern Water Tribe over 100 years ago until she was captured by the Fire Nation at the age of four. She managed to escape and tried to fly on her blue dragon, Lightning, back to the Northern Water Tribe but they both fell into the ocean, drowned and became trapped in an iceberg (hmm, doesn't that sound familiar?). 100 years later she was found and released by a waterbender named Liana who adopted Allison and taken to live in Omashu with Liana and her husband Leon. Leon killed a lot of people, including Liana, and blamed all of the murders on Allison. Allison was taken to prison in Ba Sing Se, escaped many times at the age of twelve until she was put down in the crystal catacombs with Zuko. Was rescued by Aang and Iroh and ends up joining the Gaang. Seems to know just about everyone else the Gaang has interacted with; her excuse is that she "travels a lot".
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: At first appears to be destined to be Aang's love, since they keep dreaming about each other. Joins up with the Gaang at the end of Book 2 and travels with them through the Fire Nation.
Annoying Special Abilities: As the Snake Spirit, according to Sokka and Zuko, she "controls the 4 elements and more if wanted and also control snakes and dragons. You can have a whole army of dragons that can fight for you."
Other Annoying Traits: Takes on a lot of roles in the show that were filled by Katara, including being trapped underneath Ba Sing Se with Zuko and healing Aang after Azula killed him, turning Katara into a jealous shadow of her former self. In later chapters she kisses Aang, Sokka, Haru and Zuko and constantly cries to herself about why love is so HARD!
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:
He stood up and looked at me one more time. He then got out of my tent. I cried more. Aang meant so much for me. My love for him…is…more then he probably thinks. I can't choose! Sokka, Haru, Zuko, or Aang. I can't do this! I am so glad Jet isn't here or this will make it harder. My love is the strongest on Zuko and Aang. But why can't I choose one! I wish I would just disappear from this world. I got out of my tent and saw Aang. He handed me breakfast. I ate and went over to the ocean to practice. I got to my under clothes and dived in. I was sad but was determined to get better. I want to learn how to liquid bend. Water, blood, metal, and earth are all I can bend. I would be extremely legendary if I could master Liquid bending. Only one person mastered Liquid Bending and her name is Legend Akira. Aang then came to practice too. It was awkward practicing without talking. I felt a strong connection with Aang that I don't feel with the others. I was thinking of breaking the silence.
Me: Aang…I'm so sorry. I can't choose. There are too many. But my heart…Its only one and I have to choose.
Aang: I get it. I want to be with Zuko not me. I got it Allison you don't need to make this too hard for yourself.
Me: No! That's not what I meant! I love you but I also love Zuko. I…feel the strongest with you and Zuko but I can never choose.
Aang: Just admit it Allison! You love Zuko more than me.
Me: Aang no I don't!
Aang: Then why won't you kiss me!
Me: Aang I'm really confused in love.
Aang: Oh you would kiss with Zuko mind it you would even sleep with him!
Me: Aang! No! I love you!
Aang: Then kiss me!
Me: I-I can't… I'm sorry but I don't want to get played with again. I'm done with love.
I got myself dried and got changed. LOVE! Why do you have to make my life so confusing?