The Mary Sue Challenge Week three check in

Jun 29, 2010 17:43

Hello all, this is the week three check in for the Mary Sue challenge.  There is still plenty of time to jump in if you haven't started yet, here's a link to the guidelines: link.

Some eagle-eyed participants may notice that there wasn't a week two check in, the reasons for this are two fold, one is that I run a pub IRL and the world cup had me pretty busy.  Though since our embarassing defeat by Germany, I won't have to worry about that any more.  The second is that one of my pets died and I was a bit down about it.  That being said, deep apology's to everyone anyway because I really should have found the time to check in with everyone.

I'm really curious to find out how things are going for everyone, so here are some questions if you want to give a little update.  Does anyone need any extra hugs of support?  Is anyone already or close to being finished?  Have you chosen a fandom you don't normally write for?  Have you wanted to give up but are pressing on?

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