The pit can have some crappy fanfics. So can Tamatalk. A forum for Tamagotchies. I was strolling throght their Junoir Pit of Voles and spotted an Inuyasha fanfic. Yes.. Meowbark returns.
Story Or Series Title:
The story of Meowbarks life XD There is an "XD" there.
Fandom: Inuyasha
Culprit Author's Name: Meowbark
Full Name (plus titles if any): MEowbark and she's Japanese.
Full Species(es): Half demon cat girl
Hair Color (include adjectives): Brown
Eye Color (include adjectives): Brown
Unusual Markings/Colorations: AN effin' tail and ears.
Special Possessions (if any): Spear and the name "Meowbark"
Annoying Origin: 1498 in Feudal Japan, from a Full demon mother and human father named "Kano".
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Inuyasha's future love intrest! Makes more "Fwiends" also.
Annoying Special Abilities: Has a spear, talks like an idiot.
Other Annoying Traits: Talks like an idiot.
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:
Then her Husband Kano came in "Sachiko! May I see our child" Realizing Sachiko had been fooled by a idiotic human, she chanted a spell, In which killing Kano. Sadly looking at her child she had to think of a name. Fer some reason she flashed back to when she was a child
"Now Sachiko, what sound does the cat make?" "Meow!" "what sound does the dog make?" "bark!" Right away she whispered "Meow-bark" the people around her were whispering "The demon named her child meowbark??! thats a unusual name even for a Half breed!" "I didnt mean it!" Sachiko yelled realizing it was too late, her child was named Meowbark. Sachiko then remembered something else, a Family Pledge "Who ever gives birth to a Half Bred, needs to kill her child" Sachiko did dispise Half Breds personally, but she couldnt kill her first born. So she went out and bought her child *meowbark* a Pink Kimono, with this spear she wouldnt give MB until she attempted to kill her child.
A Pink haired girl with Horns and dog ears, and some boy with white hair and dog ears as well. MB wanted to talk so she climbed over the bushes "Hi!" The boy and girl looked at her weird, the girl with pink hair dropped the playtoy. "I say shes a Kitsune fox! I mean who has seen a girl with Cat ears and a tail!?" Yelled the white haired boy "Inuyasha I think shes a Half Bred like us.... Lets test her!". Automatically MB felt something tugging at her tail, though she couldnt see anything "Yup shes Half-Bred, I can even smell it, hey cat ears, wanna play with us?" MB nodded "My names Meowbark I believe your Inuyasha and your Michika!" They nodded, and instead of running, she actually was interacting with other people!