This whole thing upsets to me to no end. Someone KILL it!
Story Or Series Title:
He Is Having A Baby *HEAD*HIT*DESK*
Fandom: Jimmy Neutron
Culprit Author's Name:
alisha120058 Full Name (plus titles if any): Jimmy Neutron
Full Species(es): Human Genius
Hair Color (include adjectives): Brown
Eye Color (include adjectives): Blue
Unusual Markings/Colorations: A growing belly, soon enough
Special Possessions (if any): A baby
Annoying Origin: Ugh... I don't even know...
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Is a warped version of a Canon character
Annoying Special Abilities: To IMPREGNATE himself to get government funding... or something
Other Annoying Traits: Dumb as a post, and it spread to everyone else we all know and love
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:
"Come on guys. Its perfectly safe." Jimmy was trying to talking Carl or Sheen into it. But apparently it was'nt working.
"How do you know? It's never been done before.
Besides you know I can't have a kid Libby is already going to have one." Sheen said.
Thats right Libby is barely a month pregnant. Libby and Sheen are married.
"Why don't you try it on yourself?" Carl asked.
"I can't."
"Why not?" Both Carl, Sheen said in usion.
"Do you really think I need a kid right now." Jimmy said.
Maybe I can do this. He thought.
"Yea and girls like guys with kids." Carl said trying to convince him.
"It saves them the trouble of having one. Sheen added.
"I can't do that guys." Jimmy said.
"Who else is going to do this lets face it. If you don't get anyone to do this in next couple of days the goverment won't give you funding for this." Sheen said.
" I'll think about it." Jimmy mutter under his breath.
Carl and Sheen herad that.
"You do that!" Carl and Sheen said at the same time.
One month Later.
Jimmy is in house sleeping. Then he all of sudden woke and ran to the bathroom throwing up.
"Why did I do this?" He said to himself.
To be contuined or not to be contuined!