Lovely Rurouni Kenshin sue here. Please tear into her as you will. Thank you.
This fic is so bad it sent me reeling. Misspelling of character's names (dude, Cowruh, wtf?!), no plotline, no character development, and complete mangling of characters within about a paragraph's worth of bad writing. v.v
Story Or Series Title: "Kenshin in Love!"
Fandom: Ruroni--'scuse me--Rurouni Kenshin
Culprit/Author's Name: Dragoon-dreamer11
Full Name (plus titles if any): Rin Himura. (So she's...related to Kenshin? Dude, wtf? Incest=not cool.)
Full Species(es): Homo Sues Awfulus. We think.
Hair Color (include adjectives): None. (Hah, bald!)
Eye Color (include adjectives): None.
Unusual Markings/Colorations: None. This Sue has absolutely no description whatsoever.
Special Possessions (if any): Apparently, the ability to make our wanderer fall deeply in love just by crashing into him and staring intensely into his eyes with her Sue-soul-sucking-skills. (Yay for alliteration.)
Annoying Origin: Hell.
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Somehow managed to have Kenshin's last name, but still makes him fall in love with her... ::shudder::
Annoying Special Abilities: Turning Kenshin into a COMPLETE pansy, and misspelling Kaoru's name. (I keel you, bitch!)
Other Annoying Traits: Her general existence.
Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:
( stand for actions.) Crash Kenshin runs right into 20 yr. old Rin Himura. “Oh, I’m sorry miss.” Kenshin says as he stoops to pick her up. “No problem at all. Oh my, you’re Kenshin! Oh!” Rin says as she starts to run. How foolish could she have been to run into the legendary man slayer? “Wait, miss!” Kenshin calls out and stops her. “Yes?” she turns around. “What’s your name?” he askes. “Um.... Rin...I think.” as she suddenly looks into his beautiful eyes and just stares falling into his loving, all-wise and knowing look. As she falls deeper and deeper so does he. Finally after babbling uncontrollably for a while he finally asks her out that night, saying that he would greatly appreciate it if he could somehow makeup for what he did by inviting her over for dinner. Of course Miss Cowruh would not like it one bit, for she herself loved the man slayer herself. When she found out she couldn’t help but throw a huge fit. “What do you mean you are doing this to make up with her?! Why? I can’t believe it!” she said. How was she to say no simply because you love him and you don’t want anyone else to.
How will this go for Rin, Miss Cowruh, and Kenshin? You’ll only know if you give me a review good or bad.
Fire at will.