Nov 29, 2004 15:32
Mmh... Spent my lunch break walking along the shopping streets for half an hour, and sitting in a BurgerKing for half an hour, drinking a hot chocolate and reading "Microserfs" (Daniel is lovely - that whole Jed business really makes feel sad). I discovered that one on Friday - I've been looking for a McD to sit for a while with a cheap hot beverage and read a bit on my lunch breaks, but the only one near is always bursting. The BK is always half empty, so that's cool. Now I can enjoy a nice hot tea or cocoa and read in the early afternoons :)
But the counter assistant! I ordered a hot chocolate. What do I get? A sundae with hot chocolate syrup. Nice, but not what I wanted. So I told her. She looks a bit puzzled - gets me a brownie. Erm?! I then - very patiently, I might add - explained to her that I wanted a hot cocoa. Eventually I got one. Oh my.
Watching the Gwen Stefani clip (I love her - she's beautiful and so wonderfully hysterical) makes me want to paint my fingernails black again, I haven't done that in months. But I need to finish my glitter polish first. Me loves black nail polish ever since watching the "Strangers When We Meet" clip for the first time. David Bowie in grungy clothes with black fingernails - mmmmhmmmm... But I did buy black eye shadow last week. Makes me look rather gothic :) I like it.
Random day.
I miss my Georgie. Maybe I should watch "AHDN" tonight.