My, but those DW novels are hilarious! Too much fun! I am reading "Forever Autumn" at the moment, and hey, they did not leave out any cliché now, did they? And I keep expecting Mulder and Scully to turn up. Which they totally should.
This makes me really look forward to the new episodes. I hope they'll be uploaded to the comm I am downloading from. But first that last Torchwood episode, which I am very apprehensive about. Eeeep.
Yes, it was very X-Files *g* And canon gay! Wheee!
I'm really looking forward to Donna, I hope I'm not gonna be disappointed. And the rumours for the TW finale are brilliant, so I hope they're true. In which case you're all going to need therapy *cackles*
Eeeee! Yes, I didn't want him to die, just because I am .. well, shallow ;P Am reading the other one now, and my "Stone Rose" arrived yesterday!
I need it already *lol* I go for Cardiff explodes and everybody's dead, except for Jack, of course. The bastard! Please do not even hint at anything, yeah?
I'll probably sell all of mine. I don't know - they make for nice reading, but I don't think they're really worth the money. "Forever Autumn" was my favourite, though.
You can be glad I'm in a good mood, otherwise I'd be upset now! *pouts*
Hence me trying to get them on ebay because I do not want to pay 10 Euro for them. Would you borrow me the others you have got before you sell them though? Or is it only those three? (And they are especially nice to read at work, as you do not need to concentrate too much on them)
Because I want Cardiff destroyed? Everybody dying? Called Jack a bastard? Or about not hinting?
Ohyes, please! That one (with another one) went way too high on ebay. No wonder if the seller puts “Ianto slash!” in that search headline. Pers read “I Am A Dalek” at mine over Easter, btw. ;)
No problem! There was a tiny bit in TS that even made me sniffle a little. Uhm. And it's not even Jack/Ianto per se, it's more Gwen/Rhys shipping Jack/Ianto. Well, you'll see.
And it's got lots of great Gwen/Ianto stuff! (Yeah, I totally don't ship them. Ahum.) My favourite moments are Gwen misinterpreting something Ianto said and awwing over him telling his mum about Jack (LOL), and then later her telling Ianto she's afraid of heights, to which Ianto replies she should go on a date with Jack (I swear, that made me laugh so madly because I could see all those batshit shippers having heart attacks at that). According to Ianto, Jack loves to drag Ianto on roofs, but when Ianto wanted to drag Jack with him on a rollercoaster once, Jack claimed it was a death trap and balked *lmao* And now I want someone to write Jack and Ianto going to a funfair or an amusement park. Why can't that be in an episode?!
Hooray for anything that makes the batshitinsane bonkers. Heh.
Why can't so many things be an episode? Like the themed nekkidness I mentioned to Pers just now. And seriously, they must do that musical episode! I'd die!
ARGH. I just had a look over the main TW comm - I shouldn't have. There's again a "discussion" which mainly boils down to the fact that Jack can never truly love someone/be faithful/be anything else than a complete jackass, pardon the pun. Honestly, I've cut down A LOT on visiting the comms/reading fic - now it's not just Gwen!Hate, now it's tons of Jack!Hate as well, who apparently has no feelings at all and randomly kills people/lets people be killed/doesn't care about anyone/cares about the wrong people. I'm slowly making myself give up anything but watching the show itself, since apparently I'm watching a different show from practically everyone else. BUt I really, REALLY don't want to rant about this now. The worst thing? IT BOTHERS ME SO MUCH. Seriously. It brings me down, and that's silly, but it does.
Awwww, no :( *hugs you* I can relate to that! I honestly do not understand the Jack hate, especially not from that angle. I have always seen Jack so completetly different. Just because a person likes to flirt and fuck, doesn't automatically make him an emotional fuckwit. Argh! Why is that so hard to understand?! I have always seen him as a person who cares a whole lot about others and it is shown in EVERY FUCKING EPISODE! On TW *and* DW! And who are the wrong people supposed to be? Wait, I don't think I want to know the answer to that.
Here, read this, it shall make you smile, a little convo between me and Pers with a little mini-ficlet at the end:
*snuggles up* Like I said, we must be watching a different show. For example, you remember when Gwen and Jack pull Ianto out of the rubble and have this sort of group hug which I loved? Well, in reality Jack really couldn't wait to kick Ianto back into the dirt, because he pats Gwen's hand as she leaves to look for Owen and that clearly proves he's using Ianto because he can't have Gwen!! And that line about her joining them the episode before wasn't a joke! And it was demeaning his and Ianto's relationship OMG!! I'm telling, I'm ready to run amok and actually kill people
( ... )
WTF?! Seriously: WTF?! I don't understand people. So, I assume those are Gwen!haters and Ianto!lovers, who actually want Jack to love Ianto but still have nothing better to do than hate on him and find fault in every little thing WHICH ISN'T REALLY THERE! I actually feel better knowing they watch another show like we do, I wouldn't like those characters they are talking about. It's like Harry Potter, so many people were reading different books than we
( ... )
And can I just say, one thing which shows to me that he cares about Gwen, for example, is that in the end he did not force the Repnol (what the fuck is that pill called again? I am no good *lol*) onto Rhys. He could have easily done it, but he didn't. Which means he absolutely went against his own rules for Gwen. At least that's how I see it.
This makes me really look forward to the new episodes. I hope they'll be uploaded to the comm I am downloading from. But first that last Torchwood episode, which I am very apprehensive about. Eeeep.
I'm really looking forward to Donna, I hope I'm not gonna be disappointed. And the rumours for the TW finale are brilliant, so I hope they're true. In which case you're all going to need therapy *cackles*
I need it already *lol* I go for Cardiff explodes and everybody's dead, except for Jack, of course. The bastard! Please do not even hint at anything, yeah?
You can be glad I'm in a good mood, otherwise I'd be upset now! *pouts*
Because I want Cardiff destroyed? Everybody dying? Called Jack a bastard? Or about not hinting?
Not hinting!
Aww, thorry.
Hooray for anything that makes the batshitinsane bonkers. Heh.
Why can't so many things be an episode? Like the themed nekkidness I mentioned to Pers just now. And seriously, they must do that musical episode! I'd die!
ARGH. I just had a look over the main TW comm - I shouldn't have. There's again a "discussion" which mainly boils down to the fact that Jack can never truly love someone/be faithful/be anything else than a complete jackass, pardon the pun. Honestly, I've cut down A LOT on visiting the comms/reading fic - now it's not just Gwen!Hate, now it's tons of Jack!Hate as well, who apparently has no feelings at all and randomly kills people/lets people be killed/doesn't care about anyone/cares about the wrong people. I'm slowly making myself give up anything but watching the show itself, since apparently I'm watching a different show from practically everyone else. BUt I really, REALLY don't want to rant about this now. The worst thing? IT BOTHERS ME SO MUCH. Seriously. It brings me down, and that's silly, but it does.
Here, read this, it shall make you smile, a little convo between me and Pers with a little mini-ficlet at the end:
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