WTF?! Seriously: WTF?! I don't understand people. So, I assume those are Gwen!haters and Ianto!lovers, who actually want Jack to love Ianto but still have nothing better to do than hate on him and find fault in every little thing WHICH ISN'T REALLY THERE! I actually feel better knowing they watch another show like we do, I wouldn't like those characters they are talking about. It's like Harry Potter, so many people were reading different books than we.
How is it even possible to misinterpret like that?!
Honestly! So true! As I said somewhere else I just absolutely loved how all those Gwen!Haters flipped with the preview of 2x09! The lack of faith they have for their beloved Jack stunned me. How can they think so badly about their own favourite character? Okay, they don't think at all obviously. The Jack I watch would have never done this to Gwen and Rhys, especially not on their wedding day.
As for Jack/Ianto. Of course he is fucking in love with Ianto, I mean, have they watched 2x01? If he wouldn't care, he wouldn't have been this insecure concerning Ianto in this episode. ANd I know I am repetetive (Huh? Just assume it is a word, eh?) but just look at them dancing. In my humble opinion it is one of the sweetest little scenes I ever saw on telly.
Yeah, Ianto doesn't seem oh so miserable to me either concerning Jack. And also not all that submissive at all (Submissive as in: he only does whatever Jack wants). Ianto knows what he wants, and I love that.
And can I just say, one thing which shows to me that he cares about Gwen, for example, is that in the end he did not force the Repnol (what the fuck is that pill called again? I am no good *lol*) onto Rhys. He could have easily done it, but he didn't. Which means he absolutely went against his own rules for Gwen. At least that's how I see it.
WTF?! Seriously: WTF?! I don't understand people. So, I assume those are Gwen!haters and Ianto!lovers, who actually want Jack to love Ianto but still have nothing better to do than hate on him and find fault in every little thing WHICH ISN'T REALLY THERE! I actually feel better knowing they watch another show like we do, I wouldn't like those characters they are talking about. It's like Harry Potter, so many people were reading different books than we. YesYesYes. Everything you said. Of course, the Gwen/Jack people aren't better - they're praying for Rhys to die, because then Gwen would just fall into Jack's arms immediately! Admittedly, that was what happened in 1.13, only I don't think it was the way they wanted it *cough* Yeah, seriously. If Rhys died, I bet Gwen would just shrug and go on, especially after all of S2, where their relationship basically turned into one big solid rock (I like how RTD said in an article that Gwen/Rhys is really one of the most important parts of the show concerning the realness). Also? In practically every bloody episode we get Gwen/Ianto friendship moments. And I refuse to believe she is that kind of person. Also also - I think Gwen made quite clear she sorted things out for herself - sexy friend!boss, who she understandably has a major crush on, and her bloody fantastic husband, who KEEPS HER SANE and who she loves madly (pun intended) and obviously truly wants to spend her life with. Am I the only one that *doesn't* see a problem there?!
I want those four double-dating.
How is it even possible to misinterpret like that?! I am quite happy I don't understand. But yeah, this whole thing has been building up inside me since 2.01, where Jack only asked Ianto out after finding out Gwen got engaged. Despite, you know, him not being alone with Ianto before and telling Ianto he spent his time away *thinking about asking him out*. And Gwen actually sending Jack and Ianto off together. Just saying.
Honestly! So true! As I said somewhere else I just absolutely loved how all those Gwen!Haters flipped with the preview of 2x09! The lack of faith they have for their beloved Jack stunned me. How can they think so badly about their own favourite character? Okay, they don't think at all obviously. The Jack I watch would have never done this to Gwen and Rhys, especially not on their wedding day. Oh good god, yes. WTH? But I would have edited the trailer the exact same way, just to piss off the fen. I loved it. That reminds me, I found a really cute weddingdance!fic: That's pretty much how I saw it.
As for Jack/Ianto. Of course he is fucking in love with Ianto, I mean, have they watched 2x01? If he wouldn't care, he wouldn't have been this insecure concerning Ianto in this episode. ANd I know I am repetetive (Huh? Just assume it is a word, eh?) but just look at them dancing. In my humble opinion it is one of the sweetest little scenes I ever saw on telly. I KNOW. I just don't get where all the angst comes from!
Yeah, Ianto doesn't seem oh so miserable to me either concerning Jack. And also not all that submissive at all (Submissive as in: he only does whatever Jack wants). Ianto knows what he wants, and I love that. Jack is so whipped. I bet Ianto is calling the shots here. We know by now he can run rings around Jack. I think way too many people over-identify with Ianto, and turn him into this helpless little woobie, while in reality Ianto always had the guts to openly defy Jack and others. He doesn't need other people to stand up for him. Oh, and someone summed up "Adrift" quite nicely, as Ianto basically telling Gwen "you wait here while I distract Dad with lots of sex, and then I'll help you sneak behind his back for the good of the family".
And can I just say, one thing which shows to me that he cares about Gwen, for example, is that in the end he did not force the Repnol (what the fuck is that pill called again? I am no good *lol*) onto Rhys. He could have easily done it, but he didn't. Which means he absolutely went against his own rules for Gwen. At least that's how I see it. I guess you mixed Retcon with Rohypnol ;) And YES, exactly. And Jack goes against his own rules for his team ALL THE TIME. We don't even have to talk about Lisa, right? And Owen in 1.13 - hello? Tosh and Mary? And basically doing everything to ensure Gwen has a happy home AND stays at TW3? Yeah, I'll just say it again: Jack loves his entire team madly.
Mygod. Can't people just enjoy a TV show anymore without all the hate. I mean, it is fine to not like a character but yeah, don't like the character and leave it at that. Moan a little, have a little rant but otherwise why not concentrate on what you actually like about the show? Just an idea!
I don't get it anyway. Here we have a show where we actually get a canon slash pairing but is it good enough for the fans? NOOOO, of course not! They just need to find something to bitch about instead of enjoying the couple. Again: am I glad I do not watch the same show than they do, I'd hate it.
I think they probably believe Gwen is that sort of person because hey, after all, she fucked around with Owen. You know, once a cheater, always a cheater. Obviously you cannot make mistakes and have regrets and still be madly in love with the person you actually are with. And it is shown quite clearly Gwen has those regrets, and that she is madly in love with Rhys. She even goes as far as telling him. Yes, she does slip him the Retcon afterwards, but she still felt the need to tell him. She might have chickened out of the consequences but just because she was so damn scared of losing the man she loves, and who cannot emphasize with that. At least this is how I remember it, I really have to rewatch Season 1.
*saved the fic* Thanks :) I still have all the other links to follow. Oh!
How is it even possible to misinterpret like that?!
Honestly! So true! As I said somewhere else I just absolutely loved how all those Gwen!Haters flipped with the preview of 2x09! The lack of faith they have for their beloved Jack stunned me. How can they think so badly about their own favourite character? Okay, they don't think at all obviously. The Jack I watch would have never done this to Gwen and Rhys, especially not on their wedding day.
As for Jack/Ianto. Of course he is fucking in love with Ianto, I mean, have they watched 2x01? If he wouldn't care, he wouldn't have been this insecure concerning Ianto in this episode. ANd I know I am repetetive (Huh? Just assume it is a word, eh?) but just look at them dancing. In my humble opinion it is one of the sweetest little scenes I ever saw on telly.
Yeah, Ianto doesn't seem oh so miserable to me either concerning Jack. And also not all that submissive at all (Submissive as in: he only does whatever Jack wants). Ianto knows what he wants, and I love that.
Good :D
YesYesYes. Everything you said. Of course, the Gwen/Jack people aren't better - they're praying for Rhys to die, because then Gwen would just fall into Jack's arms immediately! Admittedly, that was what happened in 1.13, only I don't think it was the way they wanted it *cough* Yeah, seriously. If Rhys died, I bet Gwen would just shrug and go on, especially after all of S2, where their relationship basically turned into one big solid rock (I like how RTD said in an article that Gwen/Rhys is really one of the most important parts of the show concerning the realness). Also? In practically every bloody episode we get Gwen/Ianto friendship moments. And I refuse to believe she is that kind of person. Also also - I think Gwen made quite clear she sorted things out for herself - sexy friend!boss, who she understandably has a major crush on, and her bloody fantastic husband, who KEEPS HER SANE and who she loves madly (pun intended) and obviously truly wants to spend her life with. Am I the only one that *doesn't* see a problem there?!
I want those four double-dating.
How is it even possible to misinterpret like that?!
I am quite happy I don't understand. But yeah, this whole thing has been building up inside me since 2.01, where Jack only asked Ianto out after finding out Gwen got engaged. Despite, you know, him not being alone with Ianto before and telling Ianto he spent his time away *thinking about asking him out*. And Gwen actually sending Jack and Ianto off together. Just saying.
Honestly! So true! As I said somewhere else I just absolutely loved how all those Gwen!Haters flipped with the preview of 2x09! The lack of faith they have for their beloved Jack stunned me. How can they think so badly about their own favourite character? Okay, they don't think at all obviously. The Jack I watch would have never done this to Gwen and Rhys, especially not on their wedding day.
Oh good god, yes. WTH? But I would have edited the trailer the exact same way, just to piss off the fen. I loved it. That reminds me, I found a really cute weddingdance!fic:
That's pretty much how I saw it.
As for Jack/Ianto. Of course he is fucking in love with Ianto, I mean, have they watched 2x01? If he wouldn't care, he wouldn't have been this insecure concerning Ianto in this episode. ANd I know I am repetetive (Huh? Just assume it is a word, eh?) but just look at them dancing. In my humble opinion it is one of the sweetest little scenes I ever saw on telly.
I KNOW. I just don't get where all the angst comes from!
Yeah, Ianto doesn't seem oh so miserable to me either concerning Jack. And also not all that submissive at all (Submissive as in: he only does whatever Jack wants). Ianto knows what he wants, and I love that.
Jack is so whipped. I bet Ianto is calling the shots here. We know by now he can run rings around Jack. I think way too many people over-identify with Ianto, and turn him into this helpless little woobie, while in reality Ianto always had the guts to openly defy Jack and others. He doesn't need other people to stand up for him. Oh, and someone summed up "Adrift" quite nicely, as Ianto basically telling Gwen "you wait here while I distract Dad with lots of sex, and then I'll help you sneak behind his back for the good of the family".
And can I just say, one thing which shows to me that he cares about Gwen, for example, is that in the end he did not force the Repnol (what the fuck is that pill called again? I am no good *lol*) onto Rhys. He could have easily done it, but he didn't. Which means he absolutely went against his own rules for Gwen. At least that's how I see it.
I guess you mixed Retcon with Rohypnol ;) And YES, exactly. And Jack goes against his own rules for his team ALL THE TIME. We don't even have to talk about Lisa, right? And Owen in 1.13 - hello? Tosh and Mary? And basically doing everything to ensure Gwen has a happy home AND stays at TW3? Yeah, I'll just say it again: Jack loves his entire team madly.
Ohhellyes, I loved that!
He does go against his rule quite often, doesn't he? And not for himself, but for others. *gasp* Can you imagine that? It is unthinkable, really.
And basically doing everything to ensure Gwen has a happy home AND stays at TW3?
So so true! Hence Rhys not being retcon-ed (hah!)
I don't get it anyway. Here we have a show where we actually get a canon slash pairing but is it good enough for the fans? NOOOO, of course not! They just need to find something to bitch about instead of enjoying the couple. Again: am I glad I do not watch the same show than they do, I'd hate it.
I think they probably believe Gwen is that sort of person because hey, after all, she fucked around with Owen. You know, once a cheater, always a cheater. Obviously you cannot make mistakes and have regrets and still be madly in love with the person you actually are with. And it is shown quite clearly Gwen has those regrets, and that she is madly in love with Rhys. She even goes as far as telling him. Yes, she does slip him the Retcon afterwards, but she still felt the need to tell him. She might have chickened out of the consequences but just because she was so damn scared of losing the man she loves, and who cannot emphasize with that. At least this is how I remember it, I really have to rewatch Season 1.
*saved the fic* Thanks :) I still have all the other links to follow. Oh!
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