[me & Adam are
[and listening to "Fuck Forever" by Babyshambles]
Oops. Found out yesterday that I have been without any kind of vaccination protection for more than four years. Like, ANY. Excluding hepatitis, I think *shifty eyes* Will rectify that directly after Easter. My last doctor promised me to call me if I had to renew years ago, obviously the bastard never did it, but as I trusted him, I didn't think of it myself. Well, the trusting went out of the window when he asked me out two years ago and I changed to another doctor.
Few things are as amusing as the Josh Groban fandom. Now, I like most of his music, I quite like the guy, but those fan"girls" are batshit insane. So you got wank everywhere. Classic stuff. Spent a while going through the old stuff at f_w again. Beautiful *wipes tears away*
luckymonkee19, I made your lil packy ready today! I hope I can send it out tomorrow :)
Whyyyyyy is nothing open on bloody Good Friday?! Honestly, who gives a fuck about a stupid christian holiday? I wanna go to the indie party at the Prime Club *whines* Bleeding christians can be silent at home, no need to bugger the rest of the world. Honestly. People should practise their damn religion in a way that doesn't disturb anyone. It's not as if I walk around telling people they shouldn't eat meat or fish in my presence, so why do these people feel affronted if others have a party WHERE NO ONE ELSE EVEN HEARS THEM, but just because a some preacher dude no one really knows anything about FOR A FACT kicked it? It's not as if we'd sing satanic chants. Although, of course, that'd be quite funny. - I have to read "Small Gods" again.