... grbbbhh .. oh Hello ...

Sep 10, 2007 11:12

... er uh .. oh yeah ... Hello World

That should make some geeks smile ....

I am slowly recovering from the weekend wedding extravaganza ... totally beautiful if not kind of hectic celebration of love .... Autumn and Jordan are sooo cute and soooo sweet .... it was worth it ... totally

Now .. I just have to recover enough to teach, host, priestess, write, design, move, counsel, ... and breathe .... plus y'know deal with life on its own terms and delve into the mystery of the multi-verse ...

I slept about 11 hours, I could stand about nine more hours almost immediately ... but instead I plan to sip tea, burn incense, cuddle with my calico and putter around .. just cuz it feels soooo good to be home.

Yesterday after hangin out briefly with teasane before she left (she was watching the calico for me -- Thanks!), I emptied my duffel bag, put away some items, sorted others all the while noticing how good it felt ... to do these things.

I had never noticed how much pleasure it was to be home before .. so I lit some incense and settled into my comfy chair with such delight ... even though I was totally exhausted.

Going to bed was so wonderful. I watched several of my shows on Tivo, again feeling oh so peaceful ... then at about 9:30 I turned it all off and descended into the most delicious sleep I have had in a long long time.

I woke up at around 8:30 this morning feeling somewhat refreshed ... but also knowing that my recovery is far from over ... but at the same time relishing the feeling of support that comes from having about seven pillows of varying sizes on a bed that also has a mattress top that is esp comforting -- my previously aching joints feel so much better ...
I am feeling so in the moment ... it is such a wonder ...

... and now as I settle into my comfy sofa nest ... I feel so good just being ... wow!

Have a wonderful day ... cuz I plan on having the same ... Namaste!

gratitude, tired

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