Good News!

Aug 31, 2007 09:04

For once, I have some really good news ... I am officially NOT a diabetic!

My doctor confirmed it on Tuesday after examining my latest lab results ... I not only lowered my glucose levels, I even lost weight. It was the weight that was the problematic part for me ... I actually did not want to lose weight.

Long story .. short version ... I had some intense experiences as a buxom young woman ... my current weight is sort of an armor for me ... but I decided at Lammas to get over myself and let the weight come off and not let it stop me from improving my health. I will never make weight loss a goal, but I will not let it distract me from improving my health.

Soooo ... it worked. My glucose levels are now normal. Now I just need to keep it up plus work on my cholesterol levels.

I also am in the better shape physically; I am stronger, more flexible and my pain levels overall have dropped. This is due to my yoga, exercise and walking regimen. I do three sun salutations three to five times a week followed by exercises for my arms and shoulders. And once or twice a week, I go for a walk in the park.

It has worked wonders for my overall sense of being in my body.

The only problem is that all this movement is making my original injuries flare up more often. So my knees are sometimes wobbly, and they ache more often. As I release more of the trigger points in my legs and hips that locked up my range of motion ... I am getting back to the source of it all -- my cartilage damaged knees. Oh well ....

In other good news, well good news for me .... my healer/elder says I should be proud to be a predator. That predators like me are focused, driven and once we lock onto something, we don't let go. She pointed out all the ways this has served me as a warrior, a teacher, a priestess and an artist. She even pointed out how it made me a powerful healer and friend.

My coven received this message with trepidation. Ryni kept shrieking whenever she found me standing behind her and Rose and seer_eridanus would start scurrying about whenever I left the room ... but all in all .... I am pretty sure predators do not eat their kin ... I may fight them to a bloody mess to remain alpha .. but no, we do not eat each other ... I think...

So feel free to scurry about ... my back is turned .... OR IS IT?!?!?!?

health, healing, physical

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