A funny video and an update ...

Nov 19, 2006 10:19

I found this in a post on the DC Rad Fae list.

Where Santas come from ...

I love the training scene, so that is why they don't bite the heads of the children ... wow who knew? Truly sick and twisted.

And although I am still pretty sore, I feel a lot better than last night. I know I should have probably have taken a shower to relax my muscles, but I could not fathom stepping up high enough to get into the tub or using the steps to hike down to the basement to use the shower stall ... I was that stiff.

Currently, I feel limber enough to get into the tub to take a shower .. I will attempt it closer to when I know my coven is arriving ... just in case. Besides, R has a key in case anything happens.

I think I am making an emergency appt with my chiropractor for Monday morning.

I had planed to write about my experiences surrounding and at the Pagan Studies Conference ... but that will have to wait a little bit longer.

pain, age, disability

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