Getting to know ... me

Sep 07, 2006 11:13

Feeling a little better today. I have to remember to take it easy during this period until my joints settle into the season a bit more.

Part of the problem is that I was "trained by Mary." My mother, like many black women of her generation, had worked as a domestic. And she had very clear standards on how to clean, do laundry and cook. As children, Mary was known to wake us up out of bed to rewash dishes, to rescrub floors, etc. So my "training" was very stringent and aimed at perfection.

I hire a maid service because whenever I begin cleaning, Mary takes over. I find myself pushing furniture out of the way, getting on my knees and paying very close attention to details. And it is this training that causes me to hurt myself.

So Hecate is right, I can vacuum, but not they way I was trained. And no matter what I try to do at some point the training takes over .. with predictable results.

I know that about myself. Which is why I hired a maid service.

Know Thyself

Truly a humbling and enduring message from the gods
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