
Sep 06, 2006 15:10

Well if you guys aren't tired of hearing it, I am definitely tired of saying it .... Daaaaammmmmnnn!

I just tried to use the vacuum, and now I have rediscovered why I hired a maid service ....Damn! I hurt all over. Why is this such a surprise?!?!?

Why is it so hard for me to accept my disability fer chrissakes?

I look in the mirror and I see a fairly normal middle aged woman, but whenever I try to do anything physical, I discover a feeble elderly crone. Well, I got the part about being mean as nails down all right, and often I can appear to the uninitiated as grandmotherly -- but I am actually in my prime, dammit.

grumble, grumble, grumble .... even the calico thought there was an invader. she came running up to me when I sat down screaming about an intruder in the house using the noise machine ....

yeah we were invaded all right, by Katrina's ego ... sheesh....

going to sit quietly for awhile and make rude noises about nothing in particular ... sigh.

health, age, disability

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