Come again?

Jan 06, 2006 13:17

I was looking at my post from yesterday, and I suddenly realized that it might have sounded kind of shallow. Of course I know more than a 19 year old. And why on earth would hearing that fact from my niece bring tears to my eyes?

Now my friends chelidon and yezida know me well enough to have guessed what the real issue was about, but how on earth would anyone else catch on to the inner battle that my niece's words answered.

I, like most folks, am constantly questioning my own ability, and right even, to speak out loud the contents of my heart, mind and soul. And at the same time, I am also constantly assuring others of their ability and right to answer the call within.

The reason her words brought tears to my eyes was because I wasn't even aware of my own lack of confidence in that area. My niece was not the one unaware of the scope of my knowledge -- I was unaware. I am constantly reading and studying mythology because I feel so inadequate. When my co-teacher and I initially discussed the Descent workshop, I was reluctant at first to even acknowledge all the years I had wanted to offer this workshop. But when I wrote up the piece that graces the web page, Suzzane was literally blown away by it. It felt so good to hear her delight at its depth and scope.

I could only see my ability as reflected back in the eyes of someone I deeply respected.

And here was my 19 year old niece, and lo and behold it happened again. Apparently there is a lesson in this for me. As I write this the tears are welling up again.

Yeah, I get it. And yeah, I get that this is important. I hope we all get to hear the truly important lessons esp when they are delivered through the heart of a child.

love to you all,
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