Gratitude Report

Jan 05, 2006 12:33

So okay, I have been back on the meds for a few days, and I am finally not leery about doing a few stretches again. Every time I even contemplated stretching produced painful stiffness when I was off meds. This morning I did a simple forward bend, almost by mistake, and it felt soooo good. So I raised both arms to the sky and just let my body get use to being open again.

I almost can't wait to do my *extremely* modified sun salute, but I will wait cuz cockiness causes injury in this ole body of mine.

yezida asks "Are you thankful for anything today?" And I find myself with an almost limitless list of gratitude. But one thing I am truly thankful for in the moment is my niece. We just talked briefly and with all the laughing and giggling, you would have thought we were both around 15.

She had called all excited because she had just purchased a book on world mythology. She wanted me to know how eager she was to learn about myths. I had introduced her to them years ago, and she had borrowed my Goddess in Everywoman book and just devoured it.

So I start rattling off a bunch of different pantheons for her to check if they had been included. I wanted to be sure it was not just Greek and Roman myths. It had a surprising number of areas covered. The book covered Europe including Celtic, Nordic and Teutonic Myths, Middle East, Africa, India, China, Japan as well as North, Central and South American myths. They even covered Hawaii and Maori. In fact the only major area not covered as far as I could tell was Aboriginal! They did not even have Australia in the index -- which was weird.

But what was most memorable, was that my niece did not think it was strange that I knew all about these different myths. She didn't even think about the scope of my knowledge until I mentioned it. Then it hit her suddenly. And she said the thing that brought tears to my eyes, "Of course you'd know all about it, Aunt Katrina. You are so smart, I'd expect you to know about almost everything."

I laughed, but the tears in my eyes were real. Funny how such a simple statement can sometimes make it all seem worthwhile.



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