I am resolutely opposed to resolutions. They seem pregnant with disappointment. And none of the looking back that happens this time of year produces much in the way of new revelations or insights. But I do feel absurdly optimistic about the coming year, so I am prepared to make a few predictions, some personal, some political.
- We're going to have one hell of a party in three weeks.
- Obama's going to hit the ground running. He and his team will get off to a very good start.
- The economy, while still lousy, won't feel as terrible with Bush out of office.
- Comedians and late-night talk show hosts will have to write their own material instead of letting the Bushies do it for them.
- It will get warmer in May and the snow will melt.
- My obsession with blogging will taper off a bit and I will again be able to meditate, eat breakfast, and make my coffee before turning on the computer every day.
- I will continue to feel better and will actually get myself to the club to walk in the water regularly, which of course will make me feel even better.
- My house will get clean. At least once. This year.
- My writing will get better.
- The world will get a little better and a little worse, like it does every year.
- We'll all get a little older, some of us will get a little wiser, and some of us will get a little sillier.
- I will thank God every day for my wonderful husband, my goofy cat, my comfortable home, and my awesome friends and family.
Here's to you, awesome friends and family! Cheers!