(no subject)

Apr 16, 2005 12:47

This is how my Saturday morning started off and how everyone's Saturday morning should begin - The recipe:

1. Attack Megan with balloons and silly string because it is her birthday
2. Get it ALL over her and her room (ceiling and carpet included)
3. Have 65* outside
4. Hop into Eric's girlfriend's 1987 black convertible, take the top down without changing out of your PJs
5. Turn up the music
6. Leave your hair down
7. Go on the highway because 30mph is not nearly enough speed (95 is way better) and drive past the cows and the farms and all this perfectly blue SKY
8. Scream and shout and sing along and dance to ghetto music the entire time
9. Have your hair fly in your face
10. Have your roommate take tons of pics with her amazing new digital camera (which will hopefully be posted soon)
11. Come back and have brunch

The happiest I've been in ages! It was so amazing, just like the movies... This makes up for any of last week's badness.

Oh and I can finally get my brush through my hair. Note to self: Next time bring a scrunchie.

And last night was my first night getting a little splashy... It was weird but not a big deal. Good enough of an event for LJ but other than that, eh. Dunno if I enjoyed it anyway.
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