(no subject)

Dec 21, 2004 23:50

So I think right now there's just 3 of us on the floor + the RA... If she's even in. I don't like it like this. They took everything off the walls outside too (some weird policy) and now it's just bare and freak and QUIET! I've never heard such quiet here yet... I wish I had a car... Then I wouldn't be here anymore either. I hate this, I need a license more than anything these days. I miss my roommate, SO much! I'm actually surprised... Maybe it's just the whole atmosphere. But sigh, it still looks like she's still here because she left a bunch of her stuff and her bed is still made and it's just a strange thought that I won't be seeing her for forever. Weird how you can get attached to people and you wouldn't even expect! Wow I am incredibly incredibly alone right now. Oh oh but I was telling this girl Drea about camp and just what it's like and she said it sounded really cool. Finally a non-Shaniquan understands! (or at least doesn't look at me like I am the world's greatest loser)

I don't want to go home. Well, I want to leave here but I don't want to go HOME. It's such a depressing thought... It's such a depressing place. But I can't wait till the 27th and the 29th!!!

I feel like calling someone really random but everybody's either asleep or not there.

Ugh I had too much Chinese food I'm not even happy about it being real food. I hate being full.

On the other hand, I am SOOOOO happy that all my classes are over forever!!! Oh my goodness, I never want to hear the word 'igneous' again! ::spits:: My courses for next term look way better (I hope) and I'm sort of looking forward to them, very curious. Screwed up my psych final. Ugh that's what all-nighters get you. And I thought I knew all my stuff too. And now I have a B+ in that class. I know it's not bad really so I shouldn't complain but psych is the one subject that I HAVE to get As in, except for psych stat, I'm expecting some good Cs in there. So yeah that really is not cool. And child psych of all things. I suck at my own major, perhaps I ought to reconsider. Whatever, I don't know what I'm saying I need sleep but there's still so much left to pack, the room looks like Hurricane Christmas just passed through (oh hahaha I'm funny aren't I). Not gonna have a very good average this semester, can tell already.

Oh I just want somebody to be here. Good night.
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