Jul 12, 2011 20:03

Domo Minna! It hasn't been that long is it? hehehe well I just thought I could at least post another entry before going on my study trip to the beautiful Borneo Island... de~ let's get on to business.. I told you guys in my last entry that I will post on Junno's pet and here I am ^^

So maybe many didn't know this, eventhough it is well-known that Junno is the only one who doesn't own a pet in KAT-TUN but yep~ Junno used to have a pet~ a family pet not his own but it's existence wasn't updated by Junno or I'm missing certain interview that he might have mentioned about it so anyone who did read about it do inform me ^^ coz the info I have right now is only based on what I have gathered so far ^^V yoroshiku~ well Junno would've answered it in a heart beat if we asked him about it anyway ne~ ^^"

According to May edition of Potato in 2001 based on the theme "Doki Doki" Junno mentioned that his family own a dog and then in June Wink Up issue 2002 he mentioned that his dog is an English Springer Spaniel named Lucky stating that it's a large dog. So I googled the dog's name to see how it looks like and none of it looks like Junno's dog...O_o So I went and type mix breed.. there you go the dog appearance is much more similar so Junno's dog perhaps is a mix breed. I'm not expert on types of dogs breed you guys might know better ^^" Or Junno didn't know his what type of his dog is... Muri deshou? ^^"

All this findings lead me to my theory on why Junno still doesn't own a dog ^^" my fangirl hunch if you can call it XD is that based on the pictures I've seen the dog he owned before is the one that grows up with him wanna see it for yourself? Let's see the picture...

Picture of Junno and his sister with their dog, Lucky when Junno and Lucky is still small kawaii~~ Junno is around 2 years old in this.

This is Junno and Lucky when Junno was 4 years old

and this is Junno when he was 12 years old with Lucky

So based on the pictures above I can see that Lucky grow up along with Junno especially the last picture where for me Lucky looks very old and we all know that dog's lifespan maximum is 14 years of age so who knows how old Lucky is by the time Junno was 12. My opinion Lucky grows old with Junno and of course it would be hard to lose him  even if he dies of old age... conclusion maybe Junno wasn't ready to adopt new pet to replace Lucky yet ne~ but again as I said that's my opinion... there might be some other reason on why Junno still doesn't have a pet ^^

So that's it~ hehe my personal theory on why Junno still doesn't have a pet ^^

added bonus which have absolutely nothing to do with the topic above is I decided to share KAT-TUN's yearbook picture huhu which I came across while stalking XD some of it I've posted before but oh well let me just post it in one place XD


I haven't found Junno pictures in his high school so.. oh well~ maybe I will find it later huhu sore dewa ijou desu for this time.. I will be off for 2 weeks then back again with tales of Nakamaru and Ueda pranking Kame which they told in a Wink Up interview back in 2004 and some other random info I found while stalking XD until then~ Ijou deshita!!! 

fandom:stalking, fandom:review

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