
Jun 20, 2005 10:54

So here's an update on life. I have a full time job and i'm working like crazy. I work at a home for kids who have been abused/neglected and need all of your attention all of the time. its... draining. but the kids are great. I'm trying to also enjoy my vacation as well. My fave times this summer have so far been... the lakehouse with austin and steph.. and some other people. the lakehouse with Lindsey and Lauren- jet skis... oh yeah. And just hanging around the pool.
I've also been driving back and forth to dallas like crazy- i plan to stop that rather soon though.
I would like to take a beach trip during July and i'd also like to do something cool for the 4th- so if anyone has ideas... throw them out and we'll get plans crackin. I heard someone say float the river... sounds good to me!

While life hasn't been the most exciting around here... i did go on a date with a guy from work. he's cool but not me so i'm not going to do it again. does that make me weird? i know people who will date anyone- just to have something to do... and then theres me- i go on one date- decide i dont like him and then thats it. gosh... im a little selfish in that dept eh? ;)

It is one of my good friend's bdays this week (LIZ!!) and i suddenly realized... I don't think i've truly hung out with her in a YEAR. i mean- we've seen each other at parties... maybe gone to lunch a few times... but dear god... this is a very important person!!! how dare I?! - no seriously... so here's to you girly- go read #2 of my goal list :)

I have this friend (LIZ) who always writes magical little entries that get your brain working and make you actually consider your life... and you know- i dont really like that. but damn it to hell- now that i'm thinking i might as well use the brain power i'm expending for some good. So im goign to make a list of goals (similar to liz's list-different goals of course) and you can read them or not.
But the plan is... i want to accomplish at least 10 of them before the end of the year (school year... therefore next june- dont judge, i need time)
So thats my plan.

You dont have to read the following- i just wanted to write them down.

So I'm starting my list... get ready...
1. Tell people when I'm upset with them. Especially if it's a big thing.
2. Talk to the people that i care about MORE. - in fact- spend time with them as well.
3. BE CLEANER. room, car, everything.
4. Refresh my Spanish.
5. Take/Begin home learning- Arabic... or Italian. I havent decided yet.
6. Study more. If I'd study for just an hour a freaking day... i'd have a 4.0 instead of a 3.1 - thats right yall... 3.1
7. Cook more (thanks liz) and i want to learn exotic recipes.
8. Eat healthier... and maybe actually eat breakfast... no wait- eat AT LEAST two meals a day (and healthier)
9. Start working out 4 times a week so that rugby season doesn't tear me a new one.
10. Call my mom more.
11. Call my ENTIRE FAMILY more. (note to self- call bro Shaun back)
12. Make the trip to visit bruce and grandma more.
13. Take a personal hiatus and go to the beach.
14. Pick up your dad gum guitar and play it.
15. Start that account for Brooke.
16. Pay off credit cards. and keep them down- and other debts as well...(thank goodness for a job)
17. Save extra money. Put into savings or something- think about Europe.
18. Throw myself into rugby. it doesn't feel like working out if you're having fun.
19. Buy some new clothes for myself.
20. Reach my first weight goal before buying clothes.
21. Make a decision about my future. and then work towards it.
22. Read more books that further knowledge... no more suspense thrillers (well, maybe 1/month)
23. Be more organized. not just cleaner- but figure out a place to put everything.
25. dont buy something you have doubts you wont use...
26. Dont let people take advantage of you. Be a bitch if you have to be.

ok i'm done for now. but i will post more... oh yes. MORE!
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