May 04, 2006 21:54
So as some of you may know, I found out that I got into UC Berkeley today. Also, I got a $12,000 scholarship to UC Santa Barbara. And I got into UC San Diego, but that's not really important. This is all exciting news, but it puts me in a very difficult position.
When I applied to colleges in November, I mostly intended on going to CSUN so I could stay with the band. However, I applied to other colleges so that I would have other options just in case this time of year rolled around and the band had fallen apart. But lately, even though we just signed a management deal, we haven't really been doing things (you may have noticed that we haven't played any shows since March). I know that people are busy and it's not always going to be like this, but while I cognitively know that, it's not what I emotionally feel at the moment. This current cool-down makes the prospects of going away to college more tempting.
Let's weigh the possibilities in a table:
The Band
The primary reason to go to CSUN is so that I can stay with the band. I feel that we finally have all the right people working together (musicians and management) and we could really be a great band if we work hard enough. But we would need to work hard. And, honestly, if I were to stay in the valley for the band and we continue to work in the manner we have been lately, I'll be disappointed.
One could suggest that if I were to go to Santa Barbara, I would still be able to be in the band. But if that were the case, our practices would be limited to weekends. On the one hand, this seems like I could kind of have my cake and eat it too. However, I feel that ultimately, it would be doubly self-defeating. As a band, we would be practicing just enough to maintain consistency and competancy, but we wouldn't really be developing. We would be practicing less than when Langa was in the band--and that didn't work out. We would essentially be a hobby-band or a band-for-fun, and that's not what I'm interested in. Also, if I were to spend all my free time driving down to LA, not only would I spend a fortune on gas, but also I wouldn't really get to enjoy college life. People don't go away to college just for the classes. I would want to have fun and party and I probably wouldn't be able to do so if half my life was still in the valley.
There is no possible way that the band as it is today could function with me in the band if I was in Berkeley. It would effectively kill the band, or at least my involvement in it.
Living Situation
If I were to go to CSUN, most aspects of my life would be exactly as they are right now (my commute to school would be a little longer, but that's pretty much it). I would still be living at home, which is very comfortable and easy, but I can't do that forever. Theoretically, I could get an apartment eventually, but I wouldn't really have any motivation. This wouldn't exactly kick-start any sort of independence.
As part of my scholarship, I'm guaranteed student housing at UCSB if I want it. However, at a school where most people move out of the dorms after their first year, I don't know if I would want to be the old guy in the dorms (my attraction to younger girls aside). In terms of getting an apartment, I could get one with Ilana (if she stays there) or my brother (I know). I think I could negotiate a car, since my brother is going there too and I'd be so border-line close to the valley.
Dorms, apartment, no clue. I highly doubt I'd have a car.
Since I've been back in the valley, I've kinda found a new group of homies (since all my former valley homies are in college elsewhere). I think that with most of them graduating high school this June and staying in the valley thereafter, I'll get more of a chance to hang out with them if I stay. Which I would be happy about.
With the exception of Ilana, I would basically be starting over in terms of friends. It would be fun to meet new people, but I like the ones I have now and I don't think I could find friends better than the ones I have now.
Same as SB, minus Ilana.
I imagine CSUN being like a slightly better Pierce. I'd be studying film (specifically screenwriting)--for which their department is supposed to be good. Mark's in the department and Molly Orr's at the school (theatre dept), so that'd be cool.
I'd be studying film. It's supposed to be a good school.
I'd be studying theatre. It's supposed to be an amazing school.
Tuition's relatively inexpensive and I would have no other expenses (other than my car, etc.) unless I get an apartment.
I have a $12 scholarship for tuition (for 2 years). But all my living expenses would far surpass my tuition at CSUN.
Most expensive option.
Boring and the valley's hot.
The beach there is pretty, but the campus is pretty dirty.
I've never been. I hear it's nice.
Overall Feel of the School
It feels a notch above Pierce from what I gather. That would not make me extatic.
My understanding is that it's a lot of partying (hey, I like partying and I think I could handle it responsibly), but I also hear that everyone's very bland and not worth talking to. The bleached hair generation.
Liberal sentiment, brilliant people. But does that mean they're all bookworms like at UCSD, or can they have fun too?
What do you think I should do? Seriously, I want your opinion. Thanks.