Jan 03, 2017 07:50
Whew - visitors have left. M took the bus to LA to visit a friend. G went back to work and i am alone for the first time in weeks sipping coffee and enjoying the quiet. it was all good. Very fun. Highlights - New years Eve and the game playing, the museum of Modern Art, a few very sunny days at the ocean, and just lots of laughs all around. It will take me a few days to get my house back in shape but after that i am going to organize my life into more practical chunks of time. Right….
Another highlight is that my father in law sent me a silver bracelet with a four leaf clover charm on it - i just love it. It was so thoughtful of him. It
will help me finish my novel :)
He (my father in law) still wants to come to California for a visit. We are a little nervous about his health because he got very sick after his trip to Europe last fall but we’ll see. Hopefully. At 93 - it's still hard to keep him put for too long. Traveling is in his blood.
M was so great over the holidays - chauffeuring her cousins all around and doing drop offs and pick ups at the airport. She goes back to school on the seventh. And i have discovered the Caltrain over the holidays (which is like our Go train) so i feel i can get around more now (independently) when and if the need strikes me.
M had the book Milk and Honey (Rupi Kaur) on her bedside so I picked it up and read it last night. It was a very quick read and about 20% of it was very very good but honestly, i don’t understand the hype around it. But then again i may just be insanely jealous that writing can appear that effortless - but i did love
the thing about writing
is i can’t tell if it’s healing
or destroying me.
i guess i have always felt the same regarding writing.
Anyway, should get this day moving forward.